Conjunto de cambios 49072ea en sipes para modules_contrib/pathauto/

Fecha y hora:
26/05/2016 18:10:02 (hace 8 años)
José Gregorio Puentes <jpuentes@…>
stable, version-3.0

se actualizo el modulo

1 editado


No modificado
  • modules_contrib/pathauto/

    r177a560 r49072ea  
    2 // $Id:,v 2010/09/27 15:52:58 greggles Exp $
    65 * Miscellaneous functions for Pathauto.
    76 *
     7 * This also contains some constants giving human readable names to some numeric
     8 * settings; they're included here as they're only rarely used outside this file
     9 * anyway. Use module_load_include('inc', 'pathauto') if the constants need to
     10 * be available.
     11 *
    812 * @ingroup pathauto
    913 */
     16 * Case should be left as is in the generated path.
     17 */
     18define('PATHAUTO_CASE_LEAVE_ASIS', 0);
     21 * Case should be lowercased in the generated path.
     22 */
     23define('PATHAUTO_CASE_LOWER', 1);
     26 * "Do nothing. Leave the old alias intact."
     27 */
     28define('PATHAUTO_UPDATE_ACTION_NO_NEW', 0);
     31 * "Create a new alias. Leave the existing alias functioning."
     32 */
     36 * "Create a new alias. Delete the old alias."
     37 */
     41 * "Create a new alias. Redirect from old alias."
     42 *
     43 * This is only available when the Path Redirect module is.
     44 */
     48 * Remove the punctuation from the alias.
     49 */
     53 * Replace the punctuation with the separator in the alias.
     54 */
     58 * Leave the punctuation as it is in the alias.
     59 */
     63 * Matches Unicode characters that are word boundaries.
     64 *
     65 * Characters with the following General_category (gc) property values are used
     66 * as word boundaries. While this does not fully conform to the Word Boundaries
     67 * algorithm described in, as PCRE does not
     68 * contain the Word_Break property table, this simpler algorithm has to do.
     69 * - Cc, Cf, Cn, Co, Cs: Other.
     70 * - Pc, Pd, Pe, Pf, Pi, Po, Ps: Punctuation.
     71 * - Sc, Sk, Sm, So: Symbols.
     72 * - Zl, Zp, Zs: Separators.
     73 *
     74 * Non-boundary characters include the following General_category (gc) property
     75 * values:
     76 * - Ll, Lm, Lo, Lt, Lu: Letters.
     77 * - Mc, Me, Mn: Combining Marks.
     78 * - Nd, Nl, No: Numbers.
     79 *
     80 * Note that the PCRE property matcher is not used because we wanted to be
     81 * compatible with Unicode 5.2.0 regardless of the PCRE version used (and any
     82 * bugs in PCRE property tables).
     83 *
     84 * @see
     85 */
     87  '\x{0}-\x{2F}\x{3A}-\x{40}\x{5B}-\x{60}\x{7B}-\x{A9}\x{AB}-\x{B1}\x{B4}' .
     88  '\x{B6}-\x{B8}\x{BB}\x{BF}\x{D7}\x{F7}\x{2C2}-\x{2C5}\x{2D2}-\x{2DF}' .
     89  '\x{2E5}-\x{2EB}\x{2ED}\x{2EF}-\x{2FF}\x{375}\x{37E}-\x{385}\x{387}\x{3F6}' .
     90  '\x{482}\x{55A}-\x{55F}\x{589}-\x{58A}\x{5BE}\x{5C0}\x{5C3}\x{5C6}' .
     91  '\x{5F3}-\x{60F}\x{61B}-\x{61F}\x{66A}-\x{66D}\x{6D4}\x{6DD}\x{6E9}' .
     92  '\x{6FD}-\x{6FE}\x{700}-\x{70F}\x{7F6}-\x{7F9}\x{830}-\x{83E}' .
     93  '\x{964}-\x{965}\x{970}\x{9F2}-\x{9F3}\x{9FA}-\x{9FB}\x{AF1}\x{B70}' .
     94  '\x{BF3}-\x{BFA}\x{C7F}\x{CF1}-\x{CF2}\x{D79}\x{DF4}\x{E3F}\x{E4F}' .
     95  '\x{E5A}-\x{E5B}\x{F01}-\x{F17}\x{F1A}-\x{F1F}\x{F34}\x{F36}\x{F38}' .
     96  '\x{F3A}-\x{F3D}\x{F85}\x{FBE}-\x{FC5}\x{FC7}-\x{FD8}\x{104A}-\x{104F}' .
     97  '\x{109E}-\x{109F}\x{10FB}\x{1360}-\x{1368}\x{1390}-\x{1399}\x{1400}' .
     98  '\x{166D}-\x{166E}\x{1680}\x{169B}-\x{169C}\x{16EB}-\x{16ED}' .
     99  '\x{1735}-\x{1736}\x{17B4}-\x{17B5}\x{17D4}-\x{17D6}\x{17D8}-\x{17DB}' .
     100  '\x{1800}-\x{180A}\x{180E}\x{1940}-\x{1945}\x{19DE}-\x{19FF}' .
     101  '\x{1A1E}-\x{1A1F}\x{1AA0}-\x{1AA6}\x{1AA8}-\x{1AAD}\x{1B5A}-\x{1B6A}' .
     102  '\x{1B74}-\x{1B7C}\x{1C3B}-\x{1C3F}\x{1C7E}-\x{1C7F}\x{1CD3}\x{1FBD}' .
     103  '\x{1FBF}-\x{1FC1}\x{1FCD}-\x{1FCF}\x{1FDD}-\x{1FDF}\x{1FED}-\x{1FEF}' .
     104  '\x{1FFD}-\x{206F}\x{207A}-\x{207E}\x{208A}-\x{208E}\x{20A0}-\x{20B8}' .
     105  '\x{2100}-\x{2101}\x{2103}-\x{2106}\x{2108}-\x{2109}\x{2114}' .
     106  '\x{2116}-\x{2118}\x{211E}-\x{2123}\x{2125}\x{2127}\x{2129}\x{212E}' .
     107  '\x{213A}-\x{213B}\x{2140}-\x{2144}\x{214A}-\x{214D}\x{214F}' .
     108  '\x{2190}-\x{244A}\x{249C}-\x{24E9}\x{2500}-\x{2775}\x{2794}-\x{2B59}' .
     109  '\x{2CE5}-\x{2CEA}\x{2CF9}-\x{2CFC}\x{2CFE}-\x{2CFF}\x{2E00}-\x{2E2E}' .
     110  '\x{2E30}-\x{3004}\x{3008}-\x{3020}\x{3030}\x{3036}-\x{3037}' .
     111  '\x{303D}-\x{303F}\x{309B}-\x{309C}\x{30A0}\x{30FB}\x{3190}-\x{3191}' .
     112  '\x{3196}-\x{319F}\x{31C0}-\x{31E3}\x{3200}-\x{321E}\x{322A}-\x{3250}' .
     113  '\x{3260}-\x{327F}\x{328A}-\x{32B0}\x{32C0}-\x{33FF}\x{4DC0}-\x{4DFF}' .
     114  '\x{A490}-\x{A4C6}\x{A4FE}-\x{A4FF}\x{A60D}-\x{A60F}\x{A673}\x{A67E}' .
     115  '\x{A6F2}-\x{A716}\x{A720}-\x{A721}\x{A789}-\x{A78A}\x{A828}-\x{A82B}' .
     116  '\x{A836}-\x{A839}\x{A874}-\x{A877}\x{A8CE}-\x{A8CF}\x{A8F8}-\x{A8FA}' .
     117  '\x{A92E}-\x{A92F}\x{A95F}\x{A9C1}-\x{A9CD}\x{A9DE}-\x{A9DF}' .
     118  '\x{AA5C}-\x{AA5F}\x{AA77}-\x{AA79}\x{AADE}-\x{AADF}\x{ABEB}' .
     119  '\x{E000}-\x{F8FF}\x{FB29}\x{FD3E}-\x{FD3F}\x{FDFC}-\x{FDFD}' .
     120  '\x{FE10}-\x{FE19}\x{FE30}-\x{FE6B}\x{FEFF}-\x{FF0F}\x{FF1A}-\x{FF20}' .
     121  '\x{FF3B}-\x{FF40}\x{FF5B}-\x{FF65}\x{FFE0}-\x{FFFD}');
    54166 */
    55167function _pathauto_existing_alias_data($source, $language = '') {
    56   return db_fetch_array(db_query_range("SELECT pid, dst AS alias FROM {url_alias} WHERE src = '%s' AND language IN ('%s', '') ORDER BY language DESC, pid DESC", $source, $language, 0, 1));
     168  return db_fetch_array(db_query_range("SELECT pid, dst AS alias, language FROM {url_alias} WHERE src = '%s' AND language IN ('%s', '') ORDER BY language DESC, pid DESC", $source, $language, 0, 1));
    61173 *
    62174 * Performs the following possible alterations:
     175 * - Remove all HTML tags.
    63176 * - Process the string through the transliteration module.
    64177 * - Replace or remove punctuation with the separator character.
    76189 * @param $string
    77190 *   A string to clean.
     191 * @param array $options
     192 *   (optional) A keyed array of settings and flags to control the Pathauto
     193 *   clean string replacement process. Supported options are:
     194 *   - langcode: A language code to be used when translating strings.
     195 *
    78196 * @return
    79197 *   The cleaned string.
    80198 */
    81199function pathauto_cleanstring($string) {
    82   $output = $string;
    84   // Optionally remove accents and transliterate
    85   if (variable_get('pathauto_transliterate', FALSE)) {
    86     static $translations;
    88     if (!isset($translations)) {
    89       $translations = FALSE;
    90       if ($file = _pathauto_get_i18n_file()) {
    91         $translations = parse_ini_file($file);
    92       }
    93     }
    95     if (!empty($translations)) {
    96       $output = strtr($output, $translations);
    97     }
    98   }
    100   // Replace or drop punctuation based on user settings
    101   $separator = variable_get('pathauto_separator', '-');
    102   $punctuation = pathauto_punctuation_chars();
    103   foreach ($punctuation as $name => $details) {
    104     $action = variable_get('pathauto_punctuation_'. $name, 0);
    105     // 2 is the action for "do nothing" with the punctuation
    106     if ($action != 2) {
    107       // Slightly tricky inline if which either replaces with the separator or nothing
    108       $output = str_replace($details['value'], ($action ? $separator : ''), $output);
    109     }
    110   }
    112   // Reduce strings to letters and numbers
    113   if (variable_get('pathauto_reduce_ascii', FALSE)) {
    114     $pattern = '/[^a-zA-Z0-9\/]+/';
    115     $output = preg_replace($pattern, $separator, $output);
    116   }
    118   // Calculate and statically cache the ignored words regex expression.
    119   static $ignore_words_regex;
    120   if (!isset($ignore_words_regex)) {
    121     $ignore_words = array(
    122       'a', 'an', 'as', 'at', 'before', 'but', 'by', 'for', 'from', 'is', 'in',
    123       'into', 'like', 'of', 'off', 'on', 'onto', 'per', 'since', 'than', 'the',
    124       'this', 'that', 'to', 'up', 'via', 'with',
     200  // Use the advanced drupal_static() pattern, since this is called very often.
     201  static $drupal_static_fast;
     202  if (!isset($drupal_static_fast)) {
     203    $drupal_static_fast['cache'] = &pathauto_static(__FUNCTION__);
     204  }
     205  $cache = &$drupal_static_fast['cache'];
     207  // Generate and cache variables used in this function so that on the second
     208  // call to pathauto_cleanstring() we focus on processing.
     209  if (!isset($cache)) {
     210    $cache = array(
     211      'separator' => variable_get('pathauto_separator', '-'),
     212      'strings' => array(),
     213      'transliterate' => variable_get('pathauto_transliterate', FALSE) && module_exists('transliteration'),
     214      'punctuation' => array(),
     215      'reduce_ascii' => (bool) variable_get('pathauto_reduce_ascii', FALSE),
     216      'ignore_words_regex' => FALSE,
     217      'lowercase' => (bool) variable_get('pathauto_case', PATHAUTO_CASE_LOWER),
     218      'maxlength' => min(variable_get('pathauto_max_component_length', 100), _pathauto_get_schema_alias_maxlength()),
    125219    );
    126     $ignore_words = variable_get('pathauto_ignore_words', $ignore_words);
     221    // Generate and cache the punctuation replacements for strtr().
     222    $punctuation = pathauto_punctuation_chars();
     223    foreach ($punctuation as $name => $details) {
     224      $action = variable_get('pathauto_punctuation_' . $name, PATHAUTO_PUNCTUATION_REMOVE);
     225      switch ($action) {
     227          $cache['punctuation'][$details['value']] = '';
     228          break;
     230          $cache['punctuation'][$details['value']] = $cache['separator'];
     231          break;
     233          // Literally do nothing.
     234          break;
     235      }
     236    }
     238    // Generate and cache the ignored words regular expression.
     239    $ignore_words = variable_get('pathauto_ignore_words', PATHAUTO_IGNORE_WORDS);
    127240    $ignore_words_regex = preg_replace(array('/^[,\s]+|[,\s]+$/', '/[,\s]+/'), array('', '\b|\b'), $ignore_words);
    128241    if ($ignore_words_regex) {
    129       $ignore_words_regex = '\b' . $ignore_words_regex . '\b';
    130     }
     242      $cache['ignore_words_regex'] = '\b' . $ignore_words_regex . '\b';
     243      if (function_exists('mb_eregi_replace')) {
     244        $cache['ignore_words_callback'] = 'mb_eregi_replace';
     245      }
     246      else {
     247        $cache['ignore_words_callback'] = 'preg_replace';
     248        $cache['ignore_words_regex'] = '/' . $cache['ignore_words_regex'] . '/i';
     249      }
     250    }
     251  }
     253  // Empty strings do not need any proccessing.
     254  if ($string === '' || $string === NULL) {
     255    return '';
     256  }
     258  $langcode = NULL;
     259  if (!empty($options['language']->language)) {
     260    $langcode = $options['language']->language;
     261  }
     262  elseif (!empty($options['langcode'])) {
     263    $langcode = $options['langcode'];
     264  }
     266  // Check if the string has already been processed, and if so return the
     267  // cached result.
     268  if (isset($cache['strings'][$langcode][$string])) {
     269    return $cache['strings'][$langcode][$string];
     270  }
     272  // Remove all HTML tags from the string.
     273  $output = strip_tags(decode_entities($string));
     275  // Optionally transliterate (by running through the Transliteration module)
     276  if ($cache['transliterate']) {
     277    $output = transliteration_get($output, $cache['reduce_ascii'] ? '' : '?', $langcode);
     278  }
     280  // Replace or drop punctuation based on user settings
     281  $output = strtr($output, $cache['punctuation']);
     283  // Reduce strings to letters and numbers
     284  if ($cache['reduce_ascii']) {
     285    $output = preg_replace('/[^a-zA-Z0-9\/]+/', $cache['separator'], $output);
    131286  }
    133288  // Get rid of words that are on the ignore list
    134   if ($ignore_words_regex) {
    135     if (function_exists('mb_eregi_replace')) {
    136       $words_removed = mb_eregi_replace($ignore_words_regex, '', $output);
    137     }
    138     else {
    139       $words_removed = preg_replace("/$ignore_words_regex/i", '', $output);
    140     }
     289  if ($cache['ignore_words_regex']) {
     290    $words_removed = $cache['ignore_words_callback']($cache['ignore_words_regex'], '', $output);
    141291    if (drupal_strlen(trim($words_removed)) > 0) {
    142292      $output = $words_removed;
    146296  // Always replace whitespace with the separator.
    147   $output = preg_replace('/\s+/', $separator, $output);
     297  $output = preg_replace('/\s+/', $cache['separator'], $output);
    149299  // Trim duplicates and remove trailing and leading separators.
    150   $output = _pathauto_clean_separators($output);
     300  $output = _pathauto_clean_separators($output, $cache['separator']);
    152302  // Optionally convert to lower case.
    153   if (variable_get('pathauto_case', 1)) {
     303  if ($cache['lowercase']) {
    154304    $output = drupal_strtolower($output);
    155305  }
    157   // Enforce the maximum component length.
    158   $maxlength = min(variable_get('pathauto_max_component_length', 100), _pathauto_get_schema_alias_maxlength());
    159   $output = drupal_substr($output, 0, $maxlength);
     307  // Shorten to a logical place based on word boundaries.
     308  $output = pathauto_truncate_utf8($output, $cache['maxlength'], TRUE);
     310  // Cache this result in the static array.
     311  $cache['strings'][$langcode][$string] = $output;
    161313  return $output;
    176328 */
    177329function _pathauto_clean_separators($string, $separator = NULL) {
     330  static $default_separator;
     332  if (!isset($separator)) {
     333    if (!isset($default_separator)) {
     334      $default_separator = variable_get('pathauto_separator', '-');
     335    }
     336    $separator = $default_separator;
     337  }
    178339  $output = $string;
    180   if (!isset($separator)) {
    181     $separator = variable_get('pathauto_separator', '-');
    182   }
    184   // Clean duplicate or trailing separators.
    185341  if (strlen($separator)) {
    186     // Escape the separator.
     342    // Trim any leading or trailing separators.
     343    $output = trim($output, $separator);
     345    // Escape the separator for use in regular expressions.
    187346    $seppattern = preg_quote($separator, '/');
    189     // Trim any leading or trailing separators.
    190     $output = preg_replace("/^$seppattern+|$seppattern+$/", '', $output);
     348    // Replace multiple separators with a single one.
     349    $output = preg_replace("/$seppattern+/", $separator, $output);
    192351    // Replace trailing separators around slashes.
    193352    if ($separator !== '/') {
    194       $output = preg_replace("/$seppattern+\/|\/$seppattern+/", "/", $output);
    195     }
    197     // Replace multiple separators with a single one.
    198     $output = preg_replace("/$seppattern+/", $separator, $output);
     353      $output = preg_replace("/\/+$seppattern\/+|$seppattern\/+|\/+$seppattern/", "/", $output);
     354    }
    199355  }
    216372 */
    217373function pathauto_clean_alias($alias) {
     374  $cache = &pathauto_static(__FUNCTION__);
     376  if (!isset($cache)) {
     377    $cache = array(
     378      'maxlength' => min(variable_get('pathauto_max_length', 100), _pathauto_get_schema_alias_maxlength()),
     379    );
     380  }
    218382  $output = $alias;
    220   // Trim duplicate, leading, and trailing back-slashes.
     384  // Trim duplicate, leading, and trailing separators. Do this before cleaning
     385  // backslashes since a pattern like "[token1]/[token2]-[token3]/[token4]"
     386  // could end up like "value1/-/value2" and if backslashes were cleaned first
     387  // this would result in a duplicate blackslash.
     388  $output = _pathauto_clean_separators($output);
     390  // Trim duplicate, leading, and trailing backslashes.
    221391  $output = _pathauto_clean_separators($output, '/');
    223   // Trim duplicate, leading, and trailing separators.
    224   $output = _pathauto_clean_separators($output);
    226   // Enforce the maximum length.
    227   $separator = variable_get('pathauto_separator', '-');
    228   $maxlength = min(variable_get('pathauto_max_length', 100), _pathauto_get_schema_alias_maxlength());
    229   $output = drupal_substr($output, 0, $maxlength);
     393  // Shorten to a logical place based on word boundaries.
     394  $output = pathauto_truncate_utf8($output, $cache['maxlength'], TRUE);
    231396  return $output;
    240405 *   Operation being performed on the content being aliased
    241406 *   ('insert', 'update', 'return', or 'bulkupdate').
    242  * @param $placeholders
    243  *   An array whose keys consist of the translated placeholders
    244  *   which appear in patterns (e.g., t('[title]')) and values are the
    245  *   actual values to be substituted into the pattern (e.g., $node->title).
    246407 * @param $source
    247408 *   An internal Drupal path to be aliased.
     409 * @param $data
     410 *   An array of keyed objects to pass to token_replace(). For simple
     411 *   replacement scenarios 'node', 'user', and others are common keys, with an
     412 *   accompanying node or user object being the value.  Only one key/value pair
     413 *   is supported, otherwise you may pass the results from
     414 *   pathauto_get_placeholders() here.
    248415 * @param $entity_id
    249  *   The entity ID (node ID, user ID, etc.).
     416 *   (deprecated) The entity ID (node ID, user ID, etc.). This parameter is
     417 *   deprecated and is not actually used.
    250418 * @param $type
    251419 *   For modules which provided pattern items in hook_pathauto(),
    260428 * @see pathauto_get_placeholders()
    261429 */
    262 function pathauto_create_alias($module, $op, $placeholders, $source, $entity_id, $type = NULL, $language = '') {
    263   // Retrieve and apply the pattern for this content type
    264   if (!empty($type)) {
    265     $pattern = trim(variable_get("pathauto_{$module}_{$type}_{$language}_pattern", ''));
    266     if (empty($pattern)) {
    267       $pattern = trim(variable_get("pathauto_{$module}_{$type}_pattern", ''));
    268     }
    269   }
     430function pathauto_create_alias($module, $op, $source, $data, $entity_id = NULL, $type = NULL, $language = '') {
     431  // Retrieve and apply the pattern for this content type.
     432  $pattern = pathauto_pattern_load_by_entity($module, $type, $language);
     434  // Allow other modules to alter the pattern.
     435  $context = array(
     436    'module' => $module,
     437    'op' => $op,
     438    'source' => $source,
     439    'data' => $data,
     440    'type' => $type,
     441    'language' => &$language,
     442  );
     443  drupal_alter('pathauto_pattern', $pattern, $context);
    270445  if (empty($pattern)) {
    271     $pattern = trim(variable_get("pathauto_{$module}_pattern", ''));
    272   }
    273   // No pattern? Do nothing (otherwise we may blow away existing aliases...)
    274   if (empty($pattern)) {
     446    // No pattern? Do nothing (otherwise we may blow away existing aliases...)
    275447    return '';
    276448  }
    278   if ($module == 'taxonomy') {
    279     // Get proper path for term.
    280     $term_path = taxonomy_term_path(taxonomy_get_term($entity_id));
    281     if ($term_path != $source) {
    282       // Quietly alias 'taxonomy/term/[tid]' with proper path for term.
    283       $update_data = _pathauto_existing_alias_data($source, $language);
    284       _pathauto_set_alias($source, $term_path, $module, $entity_id, $update_data['pid'], FALSE, $update_data['old_alias'], $language);
    285       // Set $source as proper path.
    286       $source = $term_path;
    287     }
     450  // Support for when $source and $placeholders were swapped.
     451  if (is_array($source) && is_string($data)) {
     452    $placeholders = $source;
     453    $source = $data;
     454  }
     455  elseif (is_array($data) && !isset($data['tokens']) && !isset($data['values'])) {
     456    $placeholders = pathauto_get_placeholders(key($data), current($data), $pattern, array('language' => (object) array('language' => $language)));
     457  }
     458  else {
     459    $placeholders = $data;
    288460  }
    292464  if ($op == 'update' || $op == 'bulkupdate') {
    293465    if ($existing_alias = _pathauto_existing_alias_data($source, $language)) {
    294       switch (variable_get('pathauto_update_action', 2)) {
    295         case 0:
     466      switch (variable_get('pathauto_update_action', PATHAUTO_UPDATE_ACTION_DELETE)) {
     467        case PATHAUTO_UPDATE_ACTION_NO_NEW:
    296468          // If an alias already exists, and the update action is set to do nothing,
    297469          // then gosh-darn it, do nothing.
    316488  // Allow other modules to alter the alias.
    317   $context = array(
    318     'module' => $module,
    319     'op' => $op,
    320     'source' => $source,
    321     'entity_id' => $entity_id,
    322     'type' => $type,
    323     'language' => $language,
    324     'pattern' => $pattern,
    325   );
     489  $context['source'] = &$source;
     490  $context['pattern'] = $pattern;
    326491  drupal_alter('pathauto_alias', $alias, $context);
    331496  }
    333   // If the alias already exists, generate a new, hopefully unique, variant
    334   if (_pathauto_alias_exists($alias, $source, $language)) {
    335     $maxlength = min(variable_get('pathauto_max_length', 100), _pathauto_get_schema_alias_maxlength());
    336     $separator = variable_get('pathauto_separator', '-');
    337     $original_alias = $alias;
    339     $i = 0;
    340     do {
    341       // Append an incrementing numeric suffix until we find a unique alias.
    342       $unique_suffix = $separator . $i;
    343       $alias = drupal_substr($original_alias, 0, $maxlength - drupal_strlen($unique_suffix, TRUE)) . $unique_suffix;
    344       $i++;
    345     } while (_pathauto_alias_exists($alias, $source, $language));
     498  // If the alias already exists, generate a new, hopefully unique, variant.
     499  $original_alias = $alias;
     500  pathauto_alias_uniquify($alias, $source, $language);
     501  if ($original_alias != $alias) {
    347502    // Alert the user why this happened.
    348503    _pathauto_verbose(t('The automatically generated alias %original_alias conflicted with an existing alias. Alias changed to %alias.', array(
    363518    'language' => $language,
    364519  );
    365   _pathauto_set_alias($path, $existing_alias, $op);
    367   // Also create a related feed alias if requested and supported.
    368   $feedappend = trim(variable_get('pathauto_' . $module . '_applytofeeds', ''));
    369   if (drupal_strlen($feedappend)) {
    370     // For forums and taxonomies, the source doesn't always form the base of the RSS feed (i.e. image galleries)
    371     if ($module == 'taxonomy' || $module == 'forum' && !empty($entity_id)) {
    372       $source = "taxonomy/term/{$entity_id}";
    373     }
    375     // Build the feed path alias array and send it off to be created.
    376     $path = array(
    377       'source' => "$source/$feedappend",
    378       'alias' => "$alias/feed",
    379       'language' => $language,
    380     );
    381     $existing_alias = _pathauto_existing_alias_data($path['source'], $path['language']);
    382     _pathauto_set_alias($path, $existing_alias, $op);
    383   }
    385   return $alias;
     520  $success = _pathauto_set_alias($path, $existing_alias, $op);
     521  return $success ? $alias : NULL;
     525 * Check to ensure a path alias is unique and add suffix variants if necessary.
     526 *
     527 * Given an alias 'content/test' if a path alias with the exact alias already
     528 * exists, the function will change the alias to 'content/test-0' and will
     529 * increase the number suffix until it finds a unique alias.
     530 *
     531 * @param $alias
     532 *   A string with the alias. Can be altered by reference.
     533 * @param $source
     534 *   A string with the path source.
     535 * @param $langcode
     536 *   A string with a language code.
     537 */
     538function pathauto_alias_uniquify(&$alias, $source, $langcode) {
     539  if (!_pathauto_alias_exists($alias, $source, $langcode)) {
     540    return;
     541  }
     543  // If the alias already exists, generate a new, hopefully unique, variant
     544  $maxlength = min(variable_get('pathauto_max_length', 100), _pathauto_get_schema_alias_maxlength());
     545  $separator = variable_get('pathauto_separator', '-');
     546  $original_alias = $alias;
     548  $i = 0;
     549  do {
     550    // Append an incrementing numeric suffix until we find a unique alias.
     551    $unique_suffix = $separator . $i;
     552    $alias = pathauto_truncate_utf8($original_alias, $maxlength - drupal_strlen($unique_suffix), TRUE) . $unique_suffix;
     553    $i++;
     554  } while (_pathauto_alias_exists($alias, $source, $langcode));
    399568  $menu = menu_get_item($path);
    400569  if (isset($menu['path']) && $menu['path'] == $path) {
     570    return TRUE;
     571  }
     572  elseif (is_file('./' . $path) || is_dir('./' . $path)) {
     573    // Do not allow existing files or directories to get assigned an automatic
     574    // alias. Note that we do not need to use is_link() to check for symbolic
     575    // links since this returns TRUE for either is_file() or is_dir() already.
    401576    return TRUE;
    402577  }
    417592 * @param $op
    418593 *   An optional string with the operation being performed.
    419  * @return
    420  *   TRUE if the path was saved, or NULL otherwise.
     594 *
     595 * @return
     596 *   The saved path from path_save() or NULL if the path was not saved.
    421597 *
    422598 * @see path_set_alias()
    440616  }
    442   $path += array(
    443     'pid' => NULL,
    444     'language' => '',
    445   );
    447618  // Skip replacing the current alias with an identical alias
    448619  if (empty($existing_alias) || $existing_alias['alias'] != $path['alias']) {
     620    $path += array('pid' => NULL, 'language' => '');
    449622    // If there is already an alias, respect some update actions.
    450623    if (!empty($existing_alias)) {
    451       switch (variable_get('pathauto_update_action', 2)) {
    452         case 0:
     624      switch (variable_get('pathauto_update_action', PATHAUTO_UPDATE_ACTION_DELETE)) {
     625        case PATHAUTO_UPDATE_ACTION_NO_NEW:
    453626          // Do not create the alias.
    454627          return;
    455         case 1:
     628        case PATHAUTO_UPDATE_ACTION_LEAVE:
    456629          // Create a new alias instead of overwriting the existing by leaving
    457630          // $path['pid'] empty.
    458631          break;
    459         case 3:
    460633          // Create a redirect
    461634          if (module_exists('path_redirect') && function_exists('path_redirect_save')) {
    462635            $redirect = array(
    463636              'source' => $existing_alias['alias'],
     637              'language' => $existing_alias['language'],
    464638              'redirect' => $path['source'],
    465639            );
    468642          // Intentionally fall through to the next condition since we still
    469643          // want to replace the existing alias.
    470         case 2:
    471645          // Both the redirect and delete actions should overwrite the existing
    472646          // alias.
    491665    }
    493     return TRUE;
     667    return $path;
    494668  }
    532706 * Generalized function to get tokens across all Pathauto types.
    533707 *
     708 * @param $type
     709 *   The token type to pass to token_get_values().
    534710 * @param $object
    535  *   A user, node, or category object.
     711 *   The object to pass to token_get_values().
     712 * @param $text
     713 *   (optional) The string that will be replaced with tokens. If provided
     714 *   and the token_scan() function is available it will be used to trim down
     715 *   the number of tokens that need to be passed to
     716 *   pathauto_clean_token_values().
     717 *
    536718 * @return
    537719 *   Tokens for that object formatted in the way that
    538720 *   Pathauto expects to see them.
    539721 */
    540 function pathauto_get_placeholders($type, $object) {
    541   if (!function_exists('token_get_values')) {
    542     // TODO at some point try removing this and see if install profiles have problems again.
    543     watchdog('Pathauto', 'It appears that you have installed Pathauto, which depends on token, but token is either not installed or not installed properly.');
    544     return array('tokens' => array(), 'values' => array());
    545   }
    547   $options = array('pathauto' => TRUE);
     722function pathauto_get_placeholders($type, $object, $text = '', array $options = array()) {
     723  $options += array('pathauto' => TRUE);
    548725  $full = token_get_values($type, $object, TRUE, $options);
     727  // Attempt to reduce the tokens to only the ones that will actually be used
     728  // before passing into pathauto_clean_token_values().
     729  static $token_scan_exists;
     730  if (!isset($token_scan_exists)) {
     731    $token_scan_exists = function_exists('token_scan');
     732  }
     733  if ($token_scan_exists && !empty($text)) {
     734    $used_tokens = token_scan($text);
     735    foreach ($full->tokens as $index => $token) {
     736      if (!in_array($token, $used_tokens)) {
     737        unset($full->tokens[$index]);
     738        unset($full->values[$index]);
     739      }
     740    }
     741  }
    549743  $tokens = token_prepare_tokens($full->tokens);
    550744  $values = pathauto_clean_token_values($full, $options);
    571765      // should have each segment cleaned, and then glued back together to
    572766      // construct a value resembling an URL.
    573       $segments = array_map('pathauto_cleanstring', $value);
     767      $segments = array();
     768      foreach ($value as $segment) {
     769        $segments[] = pathauto_cleanstring($segment, $options);
     770      }
    574771      $replacements[$token] = implode('/', $segments);
    575772    }
    580777    else {
    581778      // Token is not an URL, so it should have its value cleaned.
    582       $replacements[$token] = pathauto_cleanstring($value);
     779      $replacements[$token] = pathauto_cleanstring($value, $options);
    583780    }
    584781  }
    598795 */
    599796function pathauto_punctuation_chars() {
    600   static $punctuation;
     797  $punctuation = &pathauto_static(__FUNCTION__);
    602799  if (!isset($punctuation)) {
    603     $punctuation = array();
    604     $punctuation['double_quotes']      = array('value' => '"', 'name' => t('Double quotes "'));
    605     $punctuation['quotes']             = array('value' => "'", 'name' => t("Single quotes (apostrophe) '"));
    606     $punctuation['backtick']           = array('value' => '`', 'name' => t('Back tick `'));
    607     $punctuation['comma']              = array('value' => ',', 'name' => t('Comma ,'));
    608     $punctuation['period']             = array('value' => '.', 'name' => t('Period .'));
    609     $punctuation['hyphen']             = array('value' => '-', 'name' => t('Hyphen -'));
    610     $punctuation['underscore']         = array('value' => '_', 'name' => t('Underscore _'));
    611     $punctuation['colon']              = array('value' => ':', 'name' => t('Colon :'));
    612     $punctuation['semicolon']          = array('value' => ';', 'name' => t('Semicolon ;'));
    613     $punctuation['pipe']               = array('value' => '|', 'name' => t('Pipe |'));
    614     $punctuation['left_curly']         = array('value' => '{', 'name' => t('Left curly bracket {'));
    615     $punctuation['left_square']        = array('value' => '[', 'name' => t('Left square bracket ['));
    616     $punctuation['right_curly']        = array('value' => '}', 'name' => t('Right curly bracket }'));
    617     $punctuation['right_square']       = array('value' => ']', 'name' => t('Right square bracket ]'));
    618     $punctuation['plus']               = array('value' => '+', 'name' => t('Plus +'));
    619     $punctuation['equal']              = array('value' => '=', 'name' => t('Equal ='));
    620     $punctuation['asterisk']           = array('value' => '*', 'name' => t('Asterisk *'));
    621     $punctuation['ampersand']          = array('value' => '&', 'name' => t('Ampersand &'));
    622     $punctuation['percent']            = array('value' => '%', 'name' => t('Percent %'));
    623     $punctuation['caret']              = array('value' => '^', 'name' => t('Caret ^'));
    624     $punctuation['dollar']             = array('value' => '$', 'name' => t('Dollar $'));
    625     $punctuation['hash']               = array('value' => '#', 'name' => t('Hash #'));
    626     $punctuation['at']                 = array('value' => '@', 'name' => t('At @'));
    627     $punctuation['exclamation']        = array('value' => '!', 'name' => t('Exclamation !'));
    628     $punctuation['tilde']              = array('value' => '~', 'name' => t('Tilde ~'));
    629     $punctuation['left_parenthesis']   = array('value' => '(', 'name' => t('Left parenthesis ('));
    630     $punctuation['right_parenthesis']  = array('value' => ')', 'name' => t('Right parenthesis )'));
    631     $punctuation['question_mark']      = array('value' => '?', 'name' => t('Question mark ?'));
    632     $punctuation['less_than']          = array('value' => '<', 'name' => t('Less than <'));
    633     $punctuation['greater_than']       = array('value' => '>', 'name' => t('Greater than >'));
    634     $punctuation['slash']              = array('value' => '/', 'name' => t('Slash /'));
    635     $punctuation['back_slash']         = array('value' => '\\', 'name' => t('Backslash \\'));
     800    $cid = 'pathauto:punctuation:' . $GLOBALS['language']->language;
     801    if ($cache = cache_get($cid)) {
     802      $punctuation = $cache->data;
     803    }
     804    else {
     805      $punctuation = array();
     806      $punctuation['double_quotes']      = array('value' => '"', 'name' => t('Double quotation marks'));
     807      $punctuation['quotes']             = array('value' => '\'', 'name' => t("Single quotation marks (apostrophe)"));
     808      $punctuation['backtick']           = array('value' => '`', 'name' => t('Back tick'));
     809      $punctuation['comma']              = array('value' => ',', 'name' => t('Comma'));
     810      $punctuation['period']             = array('value' => '.', 'name' => t('Period'));
     811      $punctuation['hyphen']             = array('value' => '-', 'name' => t('Hyphen'));
     812      $punctuation['underscore']         = array('value' => '_', 'name' => t('Underscore'));
     813      $punctuation['colon']              = array('value' => ':', 'name' => t('Colon'));
     814      $punctuation['semicolon']          = array('value' => ';', 'name' => t('Semicolon'));
     815      $punctuation['pipe']               = array('value' => '|', 'name' => t('Vertical bar (pipe)'));
     816      $punctuation['left_curly']         = array('value' => '{', 'name' => t('Left curly bracket'));
     817      $punctuation['left_square']        = array('value' => '[', 'name' => t('Left square bracket'));
     818      $punctuation['right_curly']        = array('value' => '}', 'name' => t('Right curly bracket'));
     819      $punctuation['right_square']       = array('value' => ']', 'name' => t('Right square bracket'));
     820      $punctuation['plus']               = array('value' => '+', 'name' => t('Plus sign'));
     821      $punctuation['equal']              = array('value' => '=', 'name' => t('Equal sign'));
     822      $punctuation['asterisk']           = array('value' => '*', 'name' => t('Asterisk'));
     823      $punctuation['ampersand']          = array('value' => '&', 'name' => t('Ampersand'));
     824      $punctuation['percent']            = array('value' => '%', 'name' => t('Percent sign'));
     825      $punctuation['caret']              = array('value' => '^', 'name' => t('Caret'));
     826      $punctuation['dollar']             = array('value' => '$', 'name' => t('Dollar sign'));
     827      $punctuation['hash']               = array('value' => '#', 'name' => t('Number sign (pound sign, hash)'));
     828      $punctuation['at']                 = array('value' => '@', 'name' => t('At sign'));
     829      $punctuation['exclamation']        = array('value' => '!', 'name' => t('Exclamation mark'));
     830      $punctuation['tilde']              = array('value' => '~', 'name' => t('Tilde'));
     831      $punctuation['left_parenthesis']   = array('value' => '(', 'name' => t('Left parenthesis'));
     832      $punctuation['right_parenthesis']  = array('value' => ')', 'name' => t('Right parenthesis'));
     833      $punctuation['question_mark']      = array('value' => '?', 'name' => t('Question mark'));
     834      $punctuation['less_than']          = array('value' => '<', 'name' => t('Less-than sign'));
     835      $punctuation['greater_than']       = array('value' => '>', 'name' => t('Greater-than sign'));
     836      $punctuation['slash']              = array('value' => '/', 'name' => t('Slash'));
     837      $punctuation['back_slash']         = array('value' => '\\', 'name' => t('Backslash'));
     839      // Allow modules to alter the punctuation list and cache the result.
     840      drupal_alter('pathauto_punctuation_chars', $punctuation);
     841      cache_set($cid, $punctuation);
     842    }
    636843  }
     864 * Truncates a UTF-8-encoded string safely to a number of characters.
     865 *
     866 * This is a functional backport of Drupal 7's truncate_utf8().
     867 *
     868 * @param $string
     869 *   The string to truncate.
     870 * @param $max_length
     871 *   An upper limit on the returned string length, including trailing ellipsis
     872 *   if $add_ellipsis is TRUE.
     873 * @param $wordsafe
     874 *   If TRUE, attempt to truncate on a word boundary. Word boundaries are
     875 *   spaces, punctuation, and Unicode characters used as word boundaries in
     876 *   non-Latin languages; see PREG_CLASS_UNICODE_WORD_BOUNDARY for more
     877 *   information.  If a word boundary cannot be found that would make the length
     878 *   of the returned string fall within length guidelines (see parameters
     879 *   $max_return_length and $min_wordsafe_length), word boundaries are ignored.
     880 * @param $add_ellipsis
     881 *   If TRUE, add t('...') to the end of the truncated string (defaults to
     882 *   FALSE). The string length will still fall within $max_return_length.
     883 * @param $min_wordsafe_length
     884 *   If $wordsafe is TRUE, the minimum acceptable length for truncation (before
     885 *   adding an ellipsis, if $add_ellipsis is TRUE). Has no effect if $wordsafe
     886 *   is FALSE. This can be used to prevent having a very short resulting string
     887 *   that will not be understandable. For instance, if you are truncating the
     888 *   string "See for more information" to a word-safe
     889 *   return length of 20, the only available word boundary within 20 characters
     890 *   is after the word "See", which wouldn't leave a very informative string. If
     891 *   you had set $min_wordsafe_length to 10, though, the function would realize
     892 *   that "See" alone is too short, and would then just truncate ignoring word
     893 *   boundaries, giving you "See myverylongurl..." (assuming you had set
     894 *   $add_ellipses to TRUE).
     895 *
     896 * @return
     897 *   The truncated string.
     898 */
     899function pathauto_truncate_utf8($string, $max_length, $wordsafe = FALSE, $add_ellipsis = FALSE, $min_wordsafe_length = 1) {
     900  $ellipsis = '';
     901  $max_length = max($max_length, 0);
     902  $min_wordsafe_length = max($min_wordsafe_length, 0);
     904  if (drupal_strlen($string) <= $max_length) {
     905    // No truncation needed, so don't add ellipsis, just return.
     906    return $string;
     907  }
     909  if ($add_ellipsis) {
     910    // Truncate ellipsis in case $max_length is small.
     911    $ellipsis = drupal_substr(t('...'), 0, $max_length);
     912    $max_length -= drupal_strlen($ellipsis);
     913    $max_length = max($max_length, 0);
     914  }
     916  if ($max_length <= $min_wordsafe_length) {
     917    // Do not attempt word-safe if lengths are bad.
     918    $wordsafe = FALSE;
     919  }
     921  if ($wordsafe) {
     922    $matches = array();
     923    // Find the last word boundary, if there is one within $min_wordsafe_length
     924    // to $max_length characters. preg_match() is always greedy, so it will
     925    // find the longest string possible.
     926    $found = preg_match('/^(.{' . $min_wordsafe_length . ',' . $max_length . '})[' . PATHAUTO_PREG_CLASS_UNICODE_WORD_BOUNDARY . ']/u', $string, $matches);
     927    if ($found) {
     928      $string = $matches[1];
     929    }
     930    else {
     931      $string = drupal_substr($string, 0, $max_length);
     932    }
     933  }
     934  else {
     935    $string = drupal_substr($string, 0, $max_length);
     936  }
     938  if ($add_ellipsis) {
     939    $string .= $ellipsis;
     940  }
     942  return $string;
    657946 * Fetch an array of non-raw tokens that have matching raw tokens.
    658947 *
    683972  return $raw_tokens;
    686 /**
    687  * Return all the possible paths of the i18n-ascii.txt transliteration file.
    688  *
    689  * @return
    690  *   An array of possible file paths.
    691  */
    692 function _pathauto_get_i18n_possible_files() {
    693   $file = 'i18n-ascii.txt';
    694   $files = array(
    695     conf_path() . '/' . $file,
    696     "sites/all/$file",
    697     drupal_get_path('module', 'pathauto') . '/' . $file,
    698   );
    699   // Always prefer $conf['pathauto_i18n_file'] if defined.
    700   if ($conf_file = variable_get('pathauto_i18n_file', '')) {
    701     array_unshift($files, $conf_file);
    702   }
    703   return $files;
    704 }
    706 /**
    707  * Fetch the path to the i18n-ascii.txt transliteration file
    708  *
    709  * @return
    710  *   The complete path or FALSE if not found in any of the possible paths.
    711  *
    712  * @see _pathauto_get_i18n_possible_files()
    713  */
    714 function _pathauto_get_i18n_file() {
    715   static $i18n_file;
    717   if (!isset($i18n_file)) {
    718     $i18n_file = FALSE;
    719     foreach (_pathauto_get_i18n_possible_files() as $file) {
    720       if (file_exists($file)) {
    721         $i18n_file = $file;
    722         break;
    723       }
    724     }
    725   }
    727   return $i18n_file;
    728 }
Nota: Vea TracChangeset para ayuda en el uso del visor de conjuntos de cambios.