'drush_views_bulk_operations_list', 'description' => 'List all Views Bulk Operations (VBO) views, along with the operations associated with each.', ); $items['vbo-execute'] = array( 'callback' => 'drush_views_bulk_operations_execute', 'description' => 'Execute a bulk operation based on a Views Bulk Operations (VBO) view.', 'arguments' => array( 'vid' => 'ID or name of the view to be executed.', 'operation' => 'Callback name of the operation to be applied on the view results.', 'input:name=value ...' => 'Parameter to be passed as view input filter.', 'operation:name=value ...' => 'Parameter to be passed as operation argument.', 'argument:value ...' => 'Parameter to be passed as view argument.', ), 'examples' => array( '$ drush vbo-execute admin_content node_publish_action' => 'Publish nodes returned by view admin_content.', '$ drush vbo-execute 44 node_assign_owner_action operation:owner_uid=3' => 'Change node ownership on nodes returned by view #44, passing argument owner_uid=3 to the action.', '$ drush vbo-execute admin_content node_unpublish_action input:type=expense argument:3' => 'Unpublish nodes returned by view admin_content, filtering results of type expense and passing value 3 as first view argument.', ), ); return $items; } /** * Implementation of 'vbo-list' command. */ function drush_views_bulk_operations_list() { // Impersonate admin. global $user; $user = user_load(array('uid' => '1')); session_save_session(FALSE); // Find all VBO views and their associated operations. $rows = array(array(sprintf('%5s', dt('VID')), dt('NAME (DISPLAY)'), dt('DESCRIPTION'), dt('OPERATIONS'))); foreach (views_get_all_views() as $name => $view) { foreach (array_keys($view->display) as $display) { $display_options = $view->display[$display]->display_options; if (isset($display_options['style_plugin']) && $display_options['style_plugin'] == 'bulk') { $view->build($display); $operations = array(); foreach ($view->style_plugin->get_selected_operations() as $operation => $label) { $operations[] = $label .' ('. $operation .')'; } $operations[] = ''; $rows[] = array( empty($view->vid) ? sprintf('%5s', '---') : sprintf('%5d', $view->vid), sprintf('%s (%s)', $view->name, $display), $view->description, implode("\n", $operations), ); $view->destroy(); } } } drush_print_table($rows, TRUE); } /** * Implementation of 'vbo-execute' command. */ function drush_views_bulk_operations_execute($vid = NULL, $operation = NULL) { // Parse arguments. if (is_null($vid)) { drush_set_error('VIEWS_BULK_OPERATIONS_MISSING_VID', dt('Please specify a view ID to execute.')); return; } if (is_null($operation)) { drush_set_error('VIEWS_BULK_OPERATIONS_MISSING_OPERATION', dt('Please specify an operation to execute.')); return; } $args = func_get_args(); $view_exposed_input = array(); $operation_arguments = array(); $view_arguments = array(); if (count($args) > 2) for ($i=2; $i\w+):(?:(?\w+)=)?(?(.*?))$/', $args[$i], $parts)) { drush_set_error('VIEWS_BULK_OPERATIONS_INVALID_PARAMETER', dt('The parameter %arg should be of the form type:[name=]value where type in {input, argument, operation}.', array('%arg' => $args[$i]))); return; } switch ($parts['type']) { case 'input': $view_exposed_input[$parts['name']] = $parts['value']; break; case 'operation': $operation_arguments[$parts['name']] = $parts['value']; break; case 'argument': $view_arguments[] = $parts['value']; break; default: drush_set_error('VIEWS_BULK_OPERATIONS_UNKNOWN_PARAMETER', dt('The parameter type %type is unknown. Please specify either input, argument or operation.', array('%type' => $parts['type']))); return; } } // Impersonate admin. global $user; $user = user_load(array('uid' => '1')); session_save_session(FALSE); // Execute the VBO. views_bulk_operations_execute($vid, $operation, $operation_arguments, $view_exposed_input, $view_arguments); }