This directory contains the source files to build vsm documentation with Sphinx. The Makefile has been customized to facilitate updating the documentation hosted as github pages. To update the github pages automatically, invoke $ make gh-pages in this directory. To see what this does concretely, inspect Makefile. In summary, this command will do the following: * build the html documentation in a temporary subdirectory `build`; * clone the vsm github repo in a temporary subdirectory `vsm-gh-pages' and checkout the gh-pages branch; * (!) remove almost everything in that branch; * move the newly built documentation to `vsm-gh-pages`; * add, commit and push the new files (you may need to give your credentials); * remove the subdirectories `build` and `vsm-gh-pages`. Currently, this procedure has no special error-handling. If it doesn't complete, you may have to clean up the temporary subdirectories yourself.