$Id: README.txt,v 2011/01/25 13:49:22 ilo Exp $ SOAP Server =========== Soap Server for Services 6.x-3.x WARNING: This module is a prototype and is not secure. DO NOT USE FOR PRODUCTION SITES GETTING STARTED =============== Enable the module Add an endpoint at admin/build/services/add choosing SOAP as the Server Enable the node and user retrieve methods at admin/build/services/{endpoint_name}/resources View the generated WSDL at soap_server/debug_wsdl/{endpoint_name} Give anonymous user 'access soap server' permission - NOT FOR PRODUCTION USE Use SOAPUI or ther test client to import the WSDL from http://example.com/{endpoint_path}?wsdl or Enable devel module View a node object and user object debug client at soap_server/debug_client/{endpoint_name}/{nid} The debug client will show: ARGS Endpoint object Node object Available client functions The XML of the request The XML of the response The node object retrieved from the node.retrieve service from the supplied nid The user object for user 1 NOTES +++++ If an endpoint is configured to use one or more Hose XML endpoints then Hose XML will take over WSDL generation for the endpoint which may have unexpected results for Services (or other) resources.