jQuery UI 6.x-1.x, xxxx-xx-xx ----------------------------- jQuery UI 6.x-1.x, 2011-06-16 ----------------------------- #489140 by g33nman, sun, oneoftwo: Fixed backwards compatibility. #489140 by DamienMcKenna, jcmarco, Rob Loach, Dave Reid, sun: Added Libraries API support. jQuery UI 6.x-1.4, 2010-09-08 ----------------------------- #559582 by sun, drupal-id.com: Fixed installation instructions. #325831 by sun: Fixed url() in hook_requirements() breaks install profiles. #879446 by Jolidog, Itangalo, webchick: Updated link for jQuery 1.6. #325831 by hanoii: Fixed drupal_get_path() in hook_requirements() breaks install profiles. #758910 by fp, sun: Fixed jQuery UI download link. #542908 by sun: Clarified installation instructions. jQuery UI 6.x-1.3, 2009-06-21 ----------------------------- #325831 by quicksketch, James Andres, ksenzee: Fixed drupal_get_path() fails during Drupal installation. #362509 by Rob Loach, Deciphered, sun, and adrinux: New release system with jQuery UI 1.6. #322731 by sun: Fixed improper use of t() in module install file. #227687 by sun: Fixed improperly capitalized package name. jQuery UI 6.x-1.2, 2008-06-23 ----------------------------- - Updated to work with jQuery UI 1.5 release. - Uses jQuery Update's compression settings rather than its own. jQuery UI 6.x-1.1, 2008-03-27 ----------------------------- - Initial release of jQuery UI. - Works with jQuery UI 1.5b4.