'; $output .= $message; $output .= ''; return $output; } /** * Theme a feed link. * * This theme function uses the theme pattern system to allow it to be * overidden in a more specific manner. The options for overiding this include * providing per display id; per type; per display id and per type. * * e.g. * For the view "export_test" with the display "page_1" and the type "csv" you * would have the following options. * views_data_export_feed_icon__export_test__page_1__csv * views_data_export_feed_icon__export_test__page_1 * views_data_export_feed_icon__export_test__csv * views_data_export_feed_icon__page_1__csv * views_data_export_feed_icon__page_1 * views_data_export_feed_icon__csv * views_data_export_feed_icon * * @ingroup themeable */ function theme_views_data_export_feed_icon($image_path, $url, $query = '', $text = '') { $url_options = array('html' => true); if ($query) { $url_options['query'] = $query; } $image = theme('image', $image_path, $text, $text); return l($image, $url, $url_options); } /** * Theme callback for the export complete page. * * @param $file * Link to output file */ function theme_views_data_export_complete_page($file, $errors = array(), $return_url = '') { drupal_set_title(t('Data export successful')); drupal_set_html_head(''); $output = ''; $output .= '

'; $output .= t('Your export has been created. View/download the file here (will automatically download in 3 seconds.)', array('@link' => $file)); $output .= '

'; if (!empty($return_url)) { $output .= '

'; $output .= l(t('Return to previous page'), $return_url); $output .= '

'; } return $output; } function template_preprocess_views_data_export(&$vars) { $vars['header'] = $vars['rows']['header']; $vars['body'] = $vars['rows']['body']; $vars['footer'] = $vars['rows']['footer']; $view = $vars['view']; $fields = &$view->field; } function template_preprocess_views_data_export_csv_header(&$vars) { _views_data_export_header_shared_preprocess($vars); // Make sure we catch saved options that are misspelled. LEGACY if (isset($vars['options']['seperator'])) { $vars['options']['separator'] = $vars['options']['seperator']; } // Support old misspelled templates. LEGACY $vars['seperator'] = $vars['separator'] = $vars['options']['separator']; // Special handling when quoted values are involved. if ($vars['options']['quote']) { $wrap = '"'; $replace_value = '""'; } else { $wrap = ''; $replace_value = ''; } // Format header values. foreach ($vars['header'] as $key => $value) { $output = decode_entities(strip_tags($value)); if ($vars['options']['trim']) { $output = trim($output); } if (!empty($vars['options']['encoding']) && function_exists('iconv')) { switch($vars['options']['encoding']) { case 'utf8_decode': $converted = utf8_decode($output); break; default: $converted = iconv("UTF-8", $vars['options']['encoding'], $output); break; } if ($converted !== FALSE) { $output = $converted; } } $vars['header'][$key] = $wrap . str_replace('"', $replace_value, $output) . $wrap; } } function template_preprocess_views_data_export_csv_body(&$vars) { _views_data_export_body_shared_preprocess($vars); // Make sure we catch saved options that are misspelled. LEGACY if (isset($vars['options']['seperator'])) { $vars['options']['separator'] = $vars['options']['seperator']; } // Support old misspelled templates. LEGACY $vars['seperator'] = $vars['separator'] = $vars['options']['separator']; // Special handling when quoted values are involved. if ($vars['options']['quote']) { $wrap = '"'; $replace_value = '""'; } else { $wrap = ''; $replace_value = ''; } // Format row values. foreach ($vars['themed_rows'] as $i => $values) { foreach ($values as $j => $value) { $output = decode_entities(strip_tags($value)); if ($vars['options']['trim']) { $output = trim($output); } if (!empty($vars['options']['encoding']) && function_exists('iconv')) { switch($vars['options']['encoding']) { case 'utf8_decode': $converted = utf8_decode($output); break; default: $converted = iconv("UTF-8", $vars['options']['encoding'], $output); break; } if ($converted !== FALSE) { $output = $converted; } } if (!empty($vars['options']['replace_newlines'])) { $output = str_replace("\n", $vars['options']['newline_replacement'], $output); } $vars['themed_rows'][$i][$j] = $wrap . str_replace('"', $replace_value, $output) . $wrap; } } } /** * Preprocess csv output template. */ function template_preprocess_views_data_export_csv(&$vars) { // TODO Replace items with themed_rows. _views_data_export_shared_preprocess($vars); // Make sure we catch saved options that are misspelled. LEGACY if (isset($vars['options']['separator'])) { $vars['options']['separator'] = $vars['options']['seperator']; } // Support old misspelled templates. LEGACY $vars['seperator'] = $vars['separator'] = $vars['options']['separator']; // Special handling when quoted values are involved. if ($vars['options']['quote']) { $wrap = '"'; $replace_value = '""'; } else { $wrap = ''; $replace_value = ''; } // Format header values. foreach ($vars['header'] as $key => $value) { $output = decode_entities(strip_tags($value)); if ($vars['options']['trim']) { $output = trim($output); } if (!empty($vars['options']['encoding']) && function_exists('iconv')) { switch($vars['options']['encoding']) { case 'ASCII': $converted = iconv("UTF-8", "ASCII//TRANSLIT", $output); if ($converted !== FALSE) { $output = $converted; } break; } } $vars['header'][$key] = $wrap . str_replace('"', $replace_value, $output) . $wrap; } // Format row values. foreach ($vars['themed_rows'] as $i => $values) { foreach ($values as $j => $value) { $output = decode_entities(strip_tags($value)); if ($vars['options']['trim']) { $output = trim($output); } if (!empty($vars['options']['encoding']) && function_exists('iconv')) { switch($vars['options']['encoding']) { case 'ASCII': $converted = iconv("UTF-8", "ASCII//TRANSLIT", $output); if ($converted !== FALSE) { $output = $converted; } break; } } $vars['themed_rows'][$i][$j] = $wrap . str_replace('"', $replace_value, $output) . $wrap; } } } /** * Preprocess txt output template. */ function template_preprocess_views_data_export_txt_body(&$vars) { _views_data_export_header_shared_preprocess($vars); _views_data_export_body_shared_preprocess($vars); } function template_preprocess_views_data_export_doc_body(&$vars) { // Pass through the generic MS Office preprocess. template_preprocess_views_data_export_msoffice_body($vars); } function template_preprocess_views_data_export_xls_body(&$vars) { // Pass through the generic MS Office preprocess. template_preprocess_views_data_export_msoffice_body($vars); } function template_preprocess_views_data_export_msoffice_body(&$vars) { _views_data_export_header_shared_preprocess($vars); _views_data_export_body_shared_preprocess($vars); // Construct the tbody of a table, see theme_table(). $header = array_values($vars['header']); $ts = tablesort_init($header); $flip = array( 'even' => 'odd', 'odd' => 'even', ); $class = 'even'; $output = ''; foreach ($vars['themed_rows'] as $number => $row) { $attributes = array(); // Check if we're dealing with a simple or complex row if (isset($row['data'])) { foreach ($row as $key => $value) { if ($key == 'data') { $cells = $value; } else { $attributes[$key] = $value; } } } else { $cells = $row; } if (count($cells)) { // Add odd/even class $class = $flip[$class]; if (isset($attributes['class'])) { $attributes['class'] .= ' ' . $class; } else { $attributes['class'] = $class; } // Build row $output .= ' '; $i = 0; foreach ($cells as $cell) { $cell = tablesort_cell($cell, $header, $ts, $i++); $output .= _theme_table_cell($cell); } $output .= " \n"; } } $vars['tbody'] = preg_replace('/<\/?(a|span) ?.*?>/', '', $output); // strip 'a' and 'span' tags } function template_preprocess_views_data_export_doc_header(&$vars) { // Pass through the generic MS Office preprocess. template_preprocess_views_data_export_msoffice_header($vars); } function template_preprocess_views_data_export_xls_header(&$vars) { // Pass through the generic MS Office preprocess. template_preprocess_views_data_export_msoffice_header($vars); } function template_preprocess_views_data_export_msoffice_header(&$vars) { _views_data_export_header_shared_preprocess($vars); // Need to do a little work to construct the table header, see theme_table(). $vars['header_row'] = ''; $vars['header_row'] .= ''; $header = array_values($vars['header']); $ts = tablesort_init($header); foreach ($vars['header'] as $cell) { $cell = tablesort_header($cell, $header, $ts); $vars['header_row'] .= _theme_table_cell($cell, TRUE); } $vars['header_row'] .= ''; $vars['header_row'] = preg_replace('/<\/?(a|span) ?.*?>/', '', $vars['header_row']); // strip 'a' and 'span' tags } /** * Preprocess xml output template. */ function template_preprocess_views_data_export_xml_header(&$vars) { $vars['root_node'] = _views_data_export_xml_tag_clean($vars['options']['root_node']); } /** * Preprocess xml output template. */ function template_preprocess_views_data_export_xml_footer(&$vars) { $vars['root_node'] = _views_data_export_xml_tag_clean($vars['options']['root_node']); } /** * Preprocess xml output template. */ function template_preprocess_views_data_export_xml_body(&$vars) { _views_data_export_header_shared_preprocess($vars); _views_data_export_body_shared_preprocess($vars); $vars['item_node'] = _views_data_export_xml_tag_clean($vars['options']['item_node']); foreach ($vars['themed_rows'] as $num => $row) { foreach ($row as $field => $content) { // Prevent double encoding of the ampersand. Look for the entities produced by check_plain(). $content = preg_replace('/&(?!(amp|quot|#039|lt|gt);)/', '&', $content); // Convert < and > to HTML entities. $content = str_replace( array('<', '>'), array('<', '>'), $content); $vars['themed_rows'][$num][$field] = $content; } } foreach ($vars['header'] as $field => $header) { // If there is no field label, use 'no name'. if (empty($header)) { $header = 'no name'; } if ($vars['options']['transform']) { switch ($vars['options']['transform_type']) { case 'dash': $vars['xml_tag'][$field] = str_replace(' ', '-', $header); break; case 'underline': $vars['xml_tag'][$field] = str_replace(' ', '_', $header); break; case 'camel': $vars['xml_tag'][$field] = str_replace(' ', '', ucwords(strtolower($header))); // Convert the very first character of the string to lowercase. $vars['xml_tag'][$field][0] = strtolower($vars['xml_tag'][$field][0]); break; case 'pascal': $vars['xml_tag'][$field] = str_replace(' ', '', ucwords(strtolower($header))); break; } } // We should always try to output valid XML. $vars['xml_tag'][$field] = _views_data_export_xml_tag_clean($vars['xml_tag'][$field]); } } /** * Returns a valid XML tag formed from the given input. * * @param $tag The string that should be made into a valid XML tag. * @return The valid XML tag or an empty string if the string contained no valid * XML tag characters. */ function _views_data_export_xml_tag_clean($tag) { // This regex matches characters that are not valid in XML tags, and the // unicode ones that are. We don't bother with unicode, because it would so // the preg_replace down a lot. static $invalid_tag_chars_regex = '#[^\:A-Za-z_\-.0-9]+#'; // These characters are not valid at the start of an XML tag: static $invalid_start_chars = '-.0123456789'; // Convert invalid chars to '-': $tag = preg_replace($invalid_tag_chars_regex, '-', $tag); // Need to trim invalid characters from the start of the string: $tag = ltrim($tag, $invalid_start_chars); // As a last line of defense, if we've stripped out everything, set it to // something. if (empty($tag)) { $tag = 'invalid-tag-name'; } return $tag; } /** * Shared helper function for export preprocess functions. */ function _views_data_export_header_shared_preprocess(&$vars) { $view = $vars['view']; $fields = &$view->field; $vars['header'] = array(); foreach ($fields as $key => $field) { if (empty($field->options['exclude'])) { $vars['header'][$key] = check_plain($field->label()); } } } /** * Shared helper function for export preprocess functions. */ function _views_data_export_body_shared_preprocess(&$vars) { $view = $vars['view']; $fields = &$view->field; $rows = $vars['rows']; $vars['themed_rows'] = array(); $keys = array_keys($fields); foreach ($rows as $num => $row) { $vars['themed_rows'][$num] = array(); foreach ($keys as $id) { if (empty($fields[$id]->options['exclude'])) { $vars['themed_rows'][$num][$id] = $view->style_plugin->rendered_fields[$num][$id]; } } } }