array( 'label' => t('Token replacement patterns'), 'weight' => -5, ), ); } /** * Prepares the evalution. * * @param $string * The string to evaluate later. * @param $variables * An array of available variables. * @return * Arbitrary data, which is passed to the evaluator on evaluation. * If NULL is returned the input evaluator will be skipped later. */ function token_rules_input_evaluator_prepare($string, $variables) { $used_vars = array(); foreach ($variables as $name => $info) { if (strpos($string, TOKEN_PREFIX. $name .':') !== FALSE) { $used_vars[] = $name; } } // Using ':global' instead of 'global' to avoid potential namespace conflicts // See $used_vars[] = ':global'; return $used_vars ? $used_vars : NULL; } /** * Apply the input evaluator. * * @param $text * The string for which tokens should be replaced. * @param $used_vars * The used variables as returned from preparation. * @param $state * The current evaluation state of rules. */ function token_rules_input_evaluator_apply($text, $used_vars, &$state) { static $token_cache = array(); if ($used_vars) { $vars = rules_get_variables(drupal_map_assoc(array_diff($used_vars, array(':global'))), $state); if ($vars === FALSE) { //there not all needed variables available! return FALSE; } $vars[':global'] = ':global'; foreach ($used_vars as $name) { $type = ($name == ':global') ? 'global' : _token_rules_map_type($state['variables'][$name]->info['type']); if ($type) { $token_id = _token_get_id($type, $vars[$name]); if (isset($token_cache[$token_id]) && $token_cache[$token_id] != $name) { // this is the same variable in another state // so we need to flush the token cache to get the fresh values token_get_values('reset'); } $text = token_replace($text, $type, $vars[$name], TOKEN_PREFIX. $name .':', TOKEN_SUFFIX); // remember that this variable has been used and got cached $token_cache[$token_id] = $name; } } } return $text; } /** * Map rules types to corresponding token types */ function _token_rules_map_type($type) { if (($data_type = rules_get_data_types($type)) && isset($data_type['token type'])) { return $data_type['token type']; } return $type; } /** * Some token replacement help for the condition/action edit form. */ function token_rules_input_evaluator_help($variables) { $variables[':global'] = array('type' => 'global', 'label' => t('global token'),); foreach ($variables as $name => $info) { $type = _token_rules_map_type($info['type']); if ($type) { $form[$name] = array( '#type' => 'fieldset', '#title' => t('Replacement patterns for @name', array('@name' => $info['label'])), '#collapsible' => TRUE, '#collapsed' => TRUE, ); $form[$name]['content'] = array( '#value' => theme('token_help', $type, TOKEN_PREFIX. $name . ':', TOKEN_SUFFIX), ); } } return $form; }