current_vid) of ANY node * OR single revision of UNPUBLISHED node * Current, published: * - revision with (vid == current_vid) of PUBLISHED node * Archived: * - all other revisions, i.e. * revision with (vid < current_vid) of ANY node * OR revision with (vid == current_vid) of UNPUBLISHED node * * Note: these will change when Revisioning is going to store revision states * independently from vid number (e.g. in different table). */ /** * Return a single or all possible revision state names. * * @param $state * optional state id, as defined in * @return * if $state is provided, state name. Otherwise, state names array keyed by state id. */ function revisioning_revision_states($state = NULL) { static $states; $states = array( REVISION_ARCHIVED => t('Archived'), REVISION_CURRENT => t('Current, published'), REVISION_PENDING => t('Pending'), ); return $state === NULL ? $states : $states[$state]; } /** * Return TRUE when either of the following is true: * o the supplied node has at least one revision more recent than the current * o the node is not yet published and consists of a single revision * * Relies on vid, current_revision_id and num_revisions set on the node object, * see function node_tools_nodeapi() * * @param $node * @return TRUE, if node is pending according to the above definition */ function _revisioning_node_is_pending($node) { return ($node->vid > $node->current_revision_id) || (!$node->status && $node->num_revisions == 1); } /** * Implementation of hook_revisionapi(). * * Act on various revision events. * * @param $op * Operation * @param $node * Node of current operation (loaded with vid of the operation). * * "Pre" operations can be useful to get values before they are lost or changed, * for example, to save a backup of revision before it's deleted. * Also, for "pre" operations vetoing mechanics could be implemented, so it * would be possible to veto an operation via hook_revisionapi(). For example, * when the hook is returning FALSE, operation will be vetoed. * * @TODO: Add more operations if needed. */ function revisioning_revisionapi($op, $node) { switch ($op) { case 'pre revert': // Invoke corresponding Rules event if (module_exists('rules')) { rules_invoke_event('revisioning_pre_revert', $node); } break; case 'post revert': // Invoke the revisioning trigger passing 'revert' as the operation if (module_exists('trigger')) { module_invoke_all('revisioning', 'revert', $node, $node->vid); } // Invoke corresponding Rules event if (module_exists('rules')) { rules_invoke_event('revisioning_post_revert', $node); } break; case 'pre publish': // Invoke corresponding Rules event if (module_exists('rules')) { rules_invoke_event('revisioning_pre_publish', $node); } break; case 'post publish': // Invoke the revisioning trigger passing 'publish' as the operation if (module_exists('trigger')) { module_invoke_all('revisioning', 'publish', $node); } // Invoke corresponding Rules event if (module_exists('rules')) { rules_invoke_event('revisioning_post_publish', $node); } break; //case 'pre unpublish': // Not implemented: do we really need it ? case 'post unpublish': // Invoke the revisioning trigger passing 'unpublish' as the operation if (module_exists('trigger')) { module_invoke_all('revisioning', 'unpublish', $node); } // Invoke corresponding Rules event if (module_exists('rules')) { rules_invoke_event('revisioning_post_unpublish', $node); } break; case 'pre delete': // Invoke corresponding Rules event if (module_exists('rules')) { rules_invoke_event('revisioning_pre_delete', $node); } break; case 'post delete': break; } } /** * Get the id of the latest revision belonging to a node. * @param * $nid, id of the node * @return * ID of the latest revision. */ function revisioning_get_latest_revision_id($nid) { return db_result(db_query('SELECT MAX(vid) FROM {node_revisions} WHERE nid=%d', $nid)); } /** * Get the id of the user who last edited the supplied node, ie. the author * of the latest revision. * This is irrespective of whether this latest revision is pending or not, * unless TRUE is specified for the second argument, in which case the uid * of the creator of the current revision (published or not) is returned. * * @param $nid * The id of the node whose most recent editor id is to be returned. * @param $current * Whether the uid of the current or very latest revision should be returned. * @return * A single number being the user id (uid). */ function revisioning_get_last_editor($nid, $current = FALSE) { $sql = ($current) ? "SELECT vid FROM {node} WHERE nid = %d" : "SELECT MAX(vid) FROM {node_revisions} WHERE nid = %d"; $vid = db_result(db_query($sql, $nid)); return db_result(db_query("SELECT uid FROM {node_revisions} WHERE vid = %d", $vid)); } /** * Revert node to selected revision without changing its publication status. * * @param $node * Target $node object (loaded with target revision) or nid of target node * @param $vid * Optional vid of revision to revert to, if provided $node must not be an object. */ function _revisioning_revertpublish_revision(&$node, $vid = NULL) { $node_revision = is_object($node) ? $node : node_load($node, $vid); $return = module_invoke_all('revisionapi', 'pre revert', $node_revision); if (in_array(FALSE, $return)) { drupal_goto('node/'. $node_revision->nid .'/revisions/'. $node_revision->vid .'/view'); die; } _revisioning_revert_revision($node_revision); module_invoke_all('revisionapi', 'post revert', $node_revision); } /** * Revert node to selected revision without publishing it. * * This is same as node_revision_revert_confirm_submit() in, * except it doesn't put any messages on screen. * * @param $node * Target $node object (loaded with target revision) or nid of target node * @param $vid * optional vid of revision to revert to, if provided $node is not an object. */ function _revisioning_revert_revision(&$node, $vid = NULL) { $node_revision = is_object($node) ? $node : node_load($node, $vid); $node_revision->revision = 1; $node_revision->log = t('Copy of the revision from %date.', array('%date' => format_date($node_revision->revision_timestamp))); if (module_exists('taxonomy')) { $node_revision->taxonomy = array_keys($node_revision->taxonomy); } node_save($node_revision); watchdog('content', '@type: reverted %title revision %revision.', array('@type' => $node_revision->type, '%title' => $node_revision->title, '%revision' => $node_revision->vid)); } /** * Publish node, without calling node_save(). * @obsolete * This function is no longer used. Use _revisioning_publish_revision(). * * @param $node * Target $node object or nid of target node * @param $clear_cache * Whether to clear the cache afterwards or not. Clearing the cache on every * node during bulk operations can be time-consuming. * function _revisioning_publish_node($node, $clear_cache = TRUE) { if (is_numeric($node)) { $node = node_load($node); } db_query("UPDATE {node} SET status=1 WHERE nid=%d", $node->nid); // Let other modules know there was an update on the node, just like // node_save() does. $node->status = 1; node_invoke_nodeapi($node, 'update'); // Update the node access table for this node. node_access_acquire_grants($node); if ($clear_cache) { cache_clear_all(); } } */ /** * Unpublish node, without calling node_save(). * * @param $node * Target $node object or nid. * @param $clear_cache * Whether to clear the cache afterwards or not. Clearing the cache on every * node during bulk operations can be time-consuming. */ function _revisioning_unpublish_node($node, $clear_cache = TRUE) { if (is_numeric($node)) { $node = node_load($node); } db_query("UPDATE {node} SET status=0 WHERE nid=%d", $node->nid); // Let other modules know there was an update on the node, just like // node_save() does. $node->status = 0; $node->bypass_nodeapi = TRUE; // avoid revisioning_nodeapi() doing stuff $node->pathauto_perform_alias = FALSE; // avoid pathauto_nodeapi() doing stuff node_invoke_nodeapi($node, 'update'); // Update the node access table for this node. node_access_acquire_grants($node); if ($clear_cache) { cache_clear_all(); } } /** * Delete selected revision of node, provided it's not current. * * This is same as node_revision_delete_confirm_submit() in, * except it doesn't put any messages on the screen. This way it becomes * reusable (eg. in actions). * Since we are calling nodeapi as in node_revision_delete_confirm_submit(), we * invoke our "post delete" revisionapi hook in nodeapi. This way revisionapi * hooks work the same way both with "delete revision" submit handler and when * this function is called, and we don't invoke revisionapi "post delete" hook * twice. * * @param $node * Target $node object (loaded with target revision) or nid of target node * @param $vid * optional vid of revision to delete, if provided $node is not object. * * @TODO: Insert check to prevent deletion of current revision of node. */ function _revisioning_delete_revision(&$node, $vid = NULL) { $node_revision = is_object($node) ? $node : node_load($node, $vid); module_invoke_all('revisionapi', 'pre delete', $node_revision); db_query("DELETE FROM {node_revisions} WHERE nid = %d AND vid = %d", $node_revision->nid, $node_revision->vid); db_query("DELETE FROM {term_node} WHERE nid = %d AND vid = %d", $node_revision->nid, $node_revision->vid); node_invoke_nodeapi($node_revision, 'delete revision'); watchdog('content', '@type: deleted %title revision %revision.', array('@type' => $node_revision->type, '%title' => $node_revision->title, '%revision' => $node_revision->vid)); } /** * Unpublish revision (i.e. the node). * * Note that no check is made as to whether the initiating user has permission * to unpublish this node. * * @param $node * Target $node object or nid of target node */ function _revisioning_unpublish_revision(&$node) { $node_revision = is_object($node) ? $node : node_load($node); module_invoke_all('revisionapi', 'pre unpublish', $node_revision); _revisioning_unpublish_node($node_revision); watchdog('content', 'Unpublished @type %title', array('@type' => $node_revision->type, '%title' => $node_revision->title), WATCHDOG_NOTICE, l(t('view'), "node/$node_revision->nid")); module_invoke_all('revisionapi', 'post unpublish', $node_revision); } /** * Make the supplied revision of the node current and publish it. * It is the caller's responsibility to provide proper revision. * Note that no check is made as to whether the initiating user has permission * to publish this revision. * * @param $node * Target $node object (loaded with target revision) or nid of target node * @param $vid * optional vid of revision to make current, if provided $node is not object. * @param $clear_cache * Whether to clear the cache afterwards or not. Clearing the cache on every * node during bulk operations can be time-consuming. */ function _revisioning_publish_revision(&$node, $vid = NULL, $clear_cache = TRUE) { $node_revision = is_object($node) ? $node : node_load($node, $vid); $return = module_invoke_all('revisionapi', 'pre publish', $node_revision); if (in_array(FALSE, $return)) { drupal_goto('node/'. $node_revision->nid .'/revisions/'. $node_revision->vid .'/view'); die; } // Update node table, making sure the "published" (ie. status) flag is set db_query("UPDATE {node} SET vid=%d, title='%s', status=1 WHERE nid=%d", $node_revision->vid, $node_revision->title, $node_revision->nid); if ($clear_cache) { cache_clear_all(); } $node_revision->status = 1; $node_revision->bypass_nodeapi = TRUE; // avoid revisioning_nodeapi() doing stuff $node_revision->nodewords = FALSE; // avoid nodewords_nodeapi() doing stuff // On the first save of a node we should allow pathauto_nodeapi() to create the // alias as normal. Otherwise, the alias will not be created if a node is set // to be immediately published during creation. See [#1635542]. if (empty($node->is_new)) { $node_revision->pathauto_perform_alias = FALSE; // avoid pathauto_nodeapi() doing stuff } node_invoke_nodeapi($node_revision, 'update'); // Update the node access table for this node. node_access_acquire_grants($node_revision); watchdog('content', 'Published rev #%revision of @type %title', array('@type' => $node_revision->type, '%title' => $node_revision->title, '%revision' => $node_revision->vid), WATCHDOG_NOTICE, l(t('view'), "node/$node_revision->nid/revisions/$node_revision->vid/view")); module_invoke_all('revisionapi', 'post publish', $node_revision); } /** * Find the most recent pending revision, make it current, unless it already is * and publish node. * Note that no check is made as to whether the initiating user has permission * to publish this node. * * @param $node * The node object whose latest pending revision is to be published * @return * TRUE if operation was successful, FALSE if there is no pending revision to * publish */ function _revisioning_publish_latest_revision(&$node) { // Get latest pending revision or take the current provided it's UNpublished $latest_pending = array_shift(_revisioning_get_pending_revisions($node->nid)); if (!$latest_pending) { if (!$node->status && $node->is_current) { _revisioning_publish_revision($node); return TRUE; } } else { _revisioning_publish_revision($node->nid, $latest_pending->vid); return TRUE; } return FALSE; } /** * Return a count of the number of revisions newer than the supplied vid. * * @param $vid * The reference vid. * @param $nid * The id of the node. * @return * integer */ function _revisioning_get_number_of_revisions_newer_than($vid, $nid) { return db_result(db_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {node} n INNER JOIN {node_revisions} r ON n.nid=r.nid WHERE (r.vid>%d AND n.nid=%d)", $vid, $nid)); } /** * Return a count of the number of revisions newer than the current revision. * * @param $nid * The id of the node. * @return * integer */ function _revisioning_get_number_of_pending_revisions($nid) { return db_result(db_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {node} n INNER JOIN {node_revisions} r ON n.nid=r.nid WHERE (r.vid>n.vid AND n.nid=%d)", $nid)); } /** * Get the number of archived revisions belonging to a node. * @param * $nid, id of the node * @return * A count representing the number of archived revisions for the node * Returns zero if there is only one (i.e. the current) revision. */ function revisioning_get_number_of_archived_revisions($node) { return db_result(db_query('SELECT COUNT(vid) FROM {node_revisions} WHERE nid = %d AND vid < %d', $node->nid, $node->current_revision_id)); } /** * Delete all revisions with a vid less than the current. */ function revisioning_delete_archived_revisions($node) { db_query('DELETE FROM {term_node} WHERE nid = %d AND vid < %d', $node->nid, $node->current_revision_id); return db_query('DELETE FROM {node_revisions} WHERE nid = %d AND vid < %d', $node->nid, $node->current_revision_id); } /** * Retrieve a list of revisions with a vid greater than the current. * * @param $nid * The node id to retrieve. * @return * An array of revisions (latest first), each containing vid, title and * content type. */ function _revisioning_get_pending_revisions($nid) { $sql = "SELECT r.vid, r.title, n.type FROM {node} n INNER JOIN {node_revisions} r ON n.nid=r.nid WHERE (r.vid>n.vid AND n.nid=%d) ORDER BY r.vid DESC"; $result = db_query($sql, $nid); $revisions = array(); while ($revision = db_fetch_object($result)) { $revisions[$revision->vid] = $revision; } return $revisions; } /** * Retrieve a list of all revisions (archive, current, pending) belonging to * the supplied node. * * @param $nid * The node id to retrieve. * @param $include_taxonomy_terms * Whether to also retrieve the taxonomy terms for each revision * @return * An array of revision objects, each with published flag, log message, vid, * title, timestamp and name of user that created the revision */ function _revisioning_get_all_revisions_for_node($nid, $include_taxonomy_terms = FALSE) { $sql_select = 'SELECT n.type, n.status, r.vid, r.title, r.log, r.uid, r.timestamp,'; $sql_from = ' FROM {node_revisions} r LEFT JOIN {node} n ON n.vid=r.vid INNER JOIN {users} u ON u.uid=r.uid'; $sql_where = ' WHERE r.nid=%d ORDER BY r.vid DESC'; if ($include_taxonomy_terms) { $sql_select .= ', AS term'; $sql_from .= ' LEFT JOIN {term_node} tn ON r.vid=tn.vid LEFT JOIN {term_data} td ON tn.tid=td.tid'; $sql_where .= ', term ASC'; } $sql = $sql_select . $sql_from . $sql_where; $result = db_query($sql, $nid); $revisions = array(); while ($revision = db_fetch_object($result)) { if (empty($revisions[$revision->vid])) { $revisions[$revision->vid] = $revision; } elseif ($include_taxonomy_terms) { // If a revision has more than one taxonomy term, these will be returned // by the query as seperate objects differing only in their term fields. $existing_revision = $revisions[$revision->vid]; $existing_revision->term .= '/'. $revision->term; } } return $revisions; } /** * Return revision type of the supplied node. * * @param &$node * Node object to check * @return * Revision type */ function _revisioning_revision_is(&$node) { if ($node->is_pending) { return REVISION_PENDING; } return ($node->is_current && $node->status) ? REVISION_CURRENT : REVISION_ARCHIVED; } /** * Return a string with details about the node that is about to be displayed. * * Called from revisioning_nodeapi(). * * @param $node * The node that is about to be viewed * @return * A translatable message containing details about the node */ function _revisioning_node_info_msg($node) { // Get username for the revision, not the creator of the node $revision_author = user_load($node->revision_uid); $placeholder_data = array( '@content_type' => $node->type, '%title' => $node->title, '!author' => theme('username', $revision_author), '@date' => format_date($node->revision_timestamp, 'small'), ); $revision_type = _revisioning_revision_is($node); switch ($revision_type) { case REVISION_PENDING: return t('Displaying pending revision of @content_type %title, last modified by !author on @date', $placeholder_data); case REVISION_CURRENT: return t('Displaying current, published revision of @content_type %title, last modified by !author on @date', $placeholder_data); case REVISION_ARCHIVED: return t('Displaying archived revision of @content_type %title, last modified by !author on @date', $placeholder_data); } } /** * Return TRUE only if the user account has ALL of the supplied permissions. * * @param $permissions * An array of permissions (strings) * @param $account * The user account object. Defaults to the current user if omitted. * @return bool */ function revisioning_user_all_access($permissions, $account = NULL) { foreach ($permissions as $permission) { if (!user_access($permission, $account)) { return FALSE; } } return TRUE; } /** * Return an array of names of content types that are subject to moderation. * * @return array of strings, may be empty */ function revisioning_moderated_content_types() { $moderated_content_types = array(); foreach (node_get_types() as $type) { $content_type = check_plain($type->type); if (node_tools_content_is_moderated($content_type)) { $moderated_content_types[] = $content_type; } } return $moderated_content_types; } /** * Return the id of the user who created the revision by the supplied vid. */ function revisioning_get_revision_uid($vid) { return db_result(db_query('SELECT uid FROM {node_revisions} WHERE vid = %d', $vid)); }