// Ensure the $ alias is owned by jQuery. (function($) { Drupal.PanelsIPE = { editors: {}, bindClickDelete: function(context) { $('a.pane-delete:not(.pane-delete-processed)', context) .addClass('pane-delete-processed') .click(function() { if (confirm('Remove this pane?')) { $(this).parents('div.panels-ipe-portlet-wrapper').fadeOut('medium', function() { $(this).empty().remove(); }); $(this).parents('div.panels-ipe-display-container').addClass('changed'); } return false; }); } } // A ready function should be sufficient for this, at least for now $(function() { $.each(Drupal.settings.PanelsIPECacheKeys, function() { Drupal.PanelsIPE.editors[this] = new DrupalPanelsIPE(this, Drupal.settings.PanelsIPESettings[this]); }); }); Drupal.behaviors.PanelsIPE = function(context) { Drupal.PanelsIPE.bindClickDelete(context); }; Drupal.CTools.AJAX.commands.initIPE = function(data) { if (Drupal.PanelsIPE.editors[data.key]) { Drupal.PanelsIPE.editors[data.key].initEditing(data.data); } }; Drupal.CTools.AJAX.commands.unlockIPE = function(data) { if (confirm(data.message)) { var ajaxOptions = { type: "POST", url: data.break_path, data: { 'js': 1 }, global: true, success: Drupal.CTools.AJAX.respond, error: function(xhr) { Drupal.CTools.AJAX.handleErrors(xhr, ipe.cfg.formPath); }, dataType: 'json' }; $.ajax(ajaxOptions); }; }; Drupal.CTools.AJAX.commands.endIPE = function(data) { if (Drupal.PanelsIPE.editors[data.key]) { Drupal.PanelsIPE.editors[data.key].endEditing(data); } }; /** * Base object (class) definition for the Panels In-Place Editor. * * A new instance of this object is instanciated for every unique IPE on a given * page. * * Note that this form is provisional, and we hope to replace it with a more * flexible, loosely-coupled model that utilizes separate controllers for the * discrete IPE elements. This will result in greater IPE flexibility. */ function DrupalPanelsIPE(cache_key, cfg) { var ipe = this; this.key = cache_key; this.state = {}; this.control = $('div#panels-ipe-control-' + cache_key); this.initButton = $('div.panels-ipe-startedit', this.control); this.cfg = cfg; this.changed = false; this.sortableOptions = $.extend({ revert: 200, dropOnEmpty: true, // default opacity: 0.75, // opacity of sortable while sorting // placeholder: 'draggable-placeholder', // forcePlaceholderSize: true, items: 'div.panels-ipe-portlet-wrapper', handle: 'div.panels-ipe-draghandle', tolerance: 'pointer', cursorAt: 'top', update: this.setChanged, scroll: true // containment: ipe.topParent, }, cfg.sortableOptions || {}); this.initEditing = function(formdata) { ipe.topParent = $('div#panels-ipe-display-' + cache_key); ipe.backup = this.topParent.clone(); // See http://jqueryui.com/demos/sortable/ for details on the configuration // parameters used here. ipe.changed = false; $('div.panels-ipe-sort-container', ipe.topParent).sortable(ipe.sortable_options); // Since the connectWith option only does a one-way hookup, iterate over // all sortable regions to connect them with one another. $('div.panels-ipe-sort-container', ipe.topParent) .sortable('option', 'connectWith', ['div.panels-ipe-sort-container']); $('div.panels-ipe-sort-container', ipe.topParent).bind('sortupdate', function() { ipe.changed = true; }); $('.panels-ipe-form-container', ipe.control).append(formdata); // bind ajax submit to the form $('form', ipe.control).submit(function(event) { url = $(this).attr('action'); try { var ajaxOptions = { type: 'POST', url: url, data: { 'js': 1 }, global: true, success: Drupal.CTools.AJAX.respond, error: function(xhr) { Drupal.CTools.AJAX.handleErrors(xhr, url); }, dataType: 'json' }; $(this).ajaxSubmit(ajaxOptions); } catch (err) { alert("An error occurred while attempting to process " + url); return false; } return false; }); $('input:submit', ipe.control).each(function() { if ($(this).attr('id') == 'panels-ipe-save') { $(this).click(ipe.saveEditing); }; if ($(this).attr('id') == 'panels-ipe-cancel') { $(this).click(ipe.cancelEditing); }; }); // Perform visual effects in a particular sequence. ipe.initButton.css('position', 'absolute'); ipe.initButton.fadeOut('normal'); $('.panels-ipe-on').show('normal'); // $('.panels-ipe-on').fadeIn('normal'); ipe.topParent.addClass('panels-ipe-editing'); } this.endEditing = function(data) { $('.panels-ipe-form-container', ipe.control).empty(); // Re-show all the IPE non-editing meta-elements $('div.panels-ipe-off').show('fast'); // Re-hide all the IPE meta-elements $('div.panels-ipe-on').hide('fast'); ipe.initButton.css('position', 'static'); ipe.topParent.removeClass('panels-ipe-editing'); $('div.panels-ipe-sort-container', ipe.topParent).sortable("destroy"); }; this.saveEditing = function() { // Put our button in. this.form.clk = this; $('div.panels-ipe-region', ipe.topParent).each(function() { var val = ''; var region = $(this).attr('id').split('panels-ipe-regionid-')[1]; $(this).find('div.panels-ipe-portlet-wrapper').each(function() { var id = $(this).attr('id').split('panels-ipe-paneid-')[1]; if (id) { if (val) { val += ','; } val += id; } }); $('input#edit-panel-pane-' + region, ipe.control).val(val); }); } this.cancelEditing = function() { // Put our button in. this.form.clk = this; if (ipe.topParent.hasClass('changed')) { ipe.changed = true; } if (!ipe.changed || confirm(Drupal.t('This will discard all unsaved changes. Are you sure?'))) { ipe.topParent.fadeOut('medium', function() { ipe.topParent.replaceWith(ipe.backup.clone()); ipe.topParent = $('div#panels-ipe-display-' + ipe.key); // Processing of these things got lost in the cloning, but the classes remained behind. // @todo this isn't ideal but I can't seem to figure out how to keep an unprocessed backup // that will later get processed. $('.ctools-use-modal-processed', ipe.topParent).removeClass('ctools-use-modal-processed'); $('.pane-delete-processed', ipe.topParent).removeClass('pane-delete-processed'); ipe.topParent.fadeIn('medium'); Drupal.attachBehaviors(); }); } else { // Cancel the submission. return false; } }; this.createSortContainers = function() { $('div.panels-ipe-region', this.topParent).each(function() { $('div.panels-ipe-portlet-marker', this).parent() .wrapInner('
'); // Move our gadgets outside of the sort container so that sortables // cannot be placed after them. $('div.panels-ipe-portlet-static', this).each(function() { $(this).appendTo($(this).parent().parent()); }); // Add a marker so we can drag things to empty containers. $('div.panels-ipe-sort-container', this).append('
'); }); } this.createSortContainers(); var ajaxOptions = { type: "POST", url: ipe.cfg.formPath, data: { 'js': 1 }, global: true, success: Drupal.CTools.AJAX.respond, error: function(xhr) { Drupal.CTools.AJAX.handleErrors(xhr, ipe.cfg.formPath); }, dataType: 'json' }; $('div.panels-ipe-startedit', this.control).click(function() { var $this = $(this); $.ajax(ajaxOptions); }); }; })(jQuery);