source: sipes/modules_contrib/feeds/tests/feeds.test @ 177a560

Last change on this file since 177a560 was 177a560, checked in by José Gregorio Puentes <jpuentes@…>, 8 años ago

se agrego el directorio de modulos contribuidos de drupal

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File size: 14.2 KB
4 * @file
5 * Common functionality for all Feeds tests.
6 */
9 * Test basic Data API functionality.
10 */
11class FeedsWebTestCase extends DrupalWebTestCase {
13  public function setUp() {
14    $args = func_get_args();
16    // Build the list of required modules which can be altered by passing in an
17    // array of module names to setUp().
18    if (isset($args[0])) {
19      if (is_array($args[0])) {
20        $modules = $args[0];
21      }
22      else {
23        $modules = $args;
24      }
25    }
26    else {
27      $modules = array();
28    }
30    $modules[] = 'taxonomy';
31    $modules[] = 'feeds';
32    $modules[] = 'feeds_ui';
33    //$modules[] = 'feeds_tests';
34    $modules[] = 'ctools';
35    $modules[] = 'job_scheduler';
36    $modules = array_unique($modules);
37    parent::setUp($modules);
39    // Build the list of required administration permissions. Additional
40    // permissions can be passed as an array into setUp()'s second parameter.
41    if (isset($args[1]) && is_array($args[1])) {
42      $permissions = $args[1];
43    }
44    else {
45      $permissions = array();
46    }
48    $permissions[] = 'access content';
49    $permissions[] = 'administer site configuration';
50    $permissions[] = 'administer content types';
51    $permissions[] = 'administer nodes';
52    $permissions[] = 'administer taxonomy';
53    $permissions[] = 'administer users';
54    $permissions[] = 'administer feeds';
56    // Create an admin user and log in.
57    $this->admin_user = $this->drupalCreateUser($permissions);
58    $this->drupalLogin($this->admin_user);
59  }
61  /**
62   * Absolute path to Drupal root.
63   */
64  public function absolute() {
65    return realpath(getcwd());
66  }
68  /**
69   * Get the absolute directory path of the feeds module.
70   */
71  public function absolutePath() {
72    return  $this->absolute() .'/'. drupal_get_path('module', 'feeds');
73  }
75  /**
76   * Generate an OPML test feed.
77   *
78   * The purpose of this function is to create a dynamic OPML feed that points
79   * to feeds included in this test.
80   */
81  public function generateOPML() {
82    $path = $GLOBALS['base_url'] .'/'. drupal_get_path('module', 'feeds') .'/tests/feeds/';
84  $output =
85'<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
86<opml version="1.1">
88    <title>Feeds test OPML</title>
89    <dateCreated>Fri, 16 Oct 2009 02:53:17 GMT</dateCreated>
90    <ownerName></ownerName>
93  <outline text="Feeds test group" >
94       <outline title="Development Seed - Technological Solutions for Progressive Organizations" text="" xmlUrl="'. $path .'developmentseed.rss2" type="rss" />
95       <outline title="Magyar Nemzet Online - H\'rek" text="" xmlUrl="'. $path .'feed_without_guid.rss2" type="rss" />
96       <outline title="Drupal planet" text="" type="rss" xmlUrl="'. $path .'drupalplanet.rss2" />
97    </outline>
101    // UTF 8 encode output string and write it to disk
102    $output = utf8_encode($output);
103    $file = $this->absolute() .'/'. file_directory_path() .'/test-opml-'. $this->randomName() .'.opml';
104    $handle = fopen($file, 'w');
105    fwrite($handle, $output);
106    fclose($handle);
107    return $file;
108  }
110  /**
111   * Create an importer configuration.
112   *
113   * @param $name
114   *   The natural name of the feed.
115   * @param $id
116   *   The persistent id of the feed.
117   * @param $edit
118   *   Optional array that defines the basic settings for the feed in a format
119   *   that can be posted to the feed's basic settings form.
120   */
121  public function createImporterConfiguration($name = 'Syndication', $id = 'syndication') {
122    // Create new feed configuration.
123    $this->drupalGet('admin/build/feeds');
124    $this->clickLink('New importer');
125    $edit = array(
126      'name' => $name,
127      'id' => $id,
128    );
129    $this->drupalPost('admin/build/feeds/create', $edit, 'Create');
131    // Assert message and presence of default plugins.
132    $this->assertText('Your configuration has been created with default settings.');
133    $this->assertPlugins($id, 'FeedsHTTPFetcher', 'FeedsSyndicationParser', 'FeedsNodeProcessor');
134    // Per default attach to page content type.
135    $this->setSettings($id, NULL, array('content_type' => 'page'));
136  }
138  /**
139   * Choose a plugin for a importer configuration and assert it.
140   *
141   * @param $id
142   *   The importer configuration's id.
143   * @param $plugin_key
144   *   The key string of the plugin to choose (one of the keys defined in
145   *   feeds_feeds_plugins()).
146   */
147  public function setPlugin($id, $plugin_key) {
148    if ($type = feeds_plugin_type($plugin_key)) {
149      $edit = array(
150        'plugin_key' => $plugin_key,
151      );
152      $this->drupalPost("admin/build/feeds/edit/$id/$type", $edit, 'Save');
154      // Assert actual configuration.
155      $config = unserialize(db_result(db_query("SELECT config FROM {feeds_importer} WHERE id = '%s'", $id)));
156      $this->assertEqual($config[$type]['plugin_key'], $plugin_key, 'Verified correct '. $type .' ('. $plugin_key .').');
157    }
158  }
160  /**
161   * Set importer or plugin settings.
162   *
163   * @param $id
164   *   The importer configuration's id.
165   * @param $plugin
166   *   The plugin (class) name, or NULL to set importer's settings
167   * @param $settings
168   *   The settings to set.
169   */
170  public function setSettings($id, $plugin, $settings) {
171    $this->drupalPost('admin/build/feeds/edit/'. $id .'/settings/'. $plugin, $settings, 'Save');
172    $this->assertText('Your changes have been saved.');
173  }
175  /**
176   * Create a test feed node. Test user has to have sufficient permissions:
177   *
178   * * create [type] content
179   * * use feeds
180   *
181   * Assumes that page content type has been configured with
182   * createImporterConfiguration() as a feed content type.
183   *
184   * @return
185   *   The node id of the node created.
186   */
187  public function createFeedNode($id = 'syndication', $feed_url = NULL, $title = '', $content_type = NULL) {
188    if (empty($feed_url)) {
189      $feed_url = $GLOBALS['base_url'] .'/'. drupal_get_path('module', 'feeds') .'/tests/feeds/developmentseed.rss2';
190    }
192    // If content type not given, retrieve it.
193    if (!$content_type) {
194      $result = db_query("SELECT config FROM {feeds_importer} WHERE id = '%s'", $id);
195      $config = unserialize(db_result($result));
196      $content_type = $config['content_type'];
197      $this->assertFalse(empty($content_type), 'Valid content type found: '. $content_type);
198    }
200    // Create a feed node.
201    $edit = array(
202      'title' => $title,
203      'feeds[FeedsHTTPFetcher][source]' => $feed_url,
204    );
205    $this->drupalPost('node/add/'. str_replace('_', '-', $content_type), $edit, 'Save');
206    $this->assertText('has been created.');
208    // Get the node id from URL.
209    $nid = $this->getNid($this->getUrl());
211    // Check whether feed got recorded in feeds_source table.
212    $result = db_result(db_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {feeds_source} WHERE id = '%s' AND feed_nid = %d", $id, $nid));
213    $this->assertEqual(1, $result);
215    $source = db_fetch_object(db_query("SELECT * FROM {feeds_source} WHERE id = '%s' AND feed_nid = %d", $id, $nid));
216    $config = unserialize($source->config);
217    $this->assertEqual($config['FeedsHTTPFetcher']['source'], $feed_url, t('URL in DB correct.'));
218    return $nid;
219  }
221  /**
222   * Edit the configuration of a feed node to test update behavior.
223   *
224   * @param $nid
225   *   The nid to edit.
226   * @param $feed_url
227   *   The new (absolute) feed URL to use.
228   * @param $title
229   *   Optional parameter to change title of feed node.
230   */
231  public function editFeedNode($nid, $feed_url, $title = '') {
232    $edit = array(
233      'title' => $title,
234      'feeds[FeedsHTTPFetcher][source]' => $feed_url,
235    );
236    // Check that the update was saved.
237    $this->drupalPost('node/' . $nid . '/edit', $edit, 'Save');
238    $this->assertText('has been updated.');
240    // Check that the URL was updated in the feeds_source table.
241    $source = db_fetch_object(db_query("SELECT * FROM {feeds_source} WHERE feed_nid = %d", $nid));
242    $config = unserialize($source->config);
243    $this->assertEqual($config['FeedsHTTPFetcher']['source'], $feed_url, t('URL in DB correct.'));
244  }
246  /**
247   * Batch create a variable amount of feed nodes. All will have the
248   * same URL configured.
249   *
250   * @return
251   *   An array of node ids of the nodes created.
252   */
253  public function createFeedNodes($id = 'syndication', $num = 20, $content_type = NULL) {
254    $nids = array();
255    for ($i = 0; $i < $num; $i++) {
256      $nids[] = $this->createFeedNode($id, NULL, $this->randomName(), $content_type);
257    }
258    return $nids;
259  }
261  /**
262   * Import a URL through the import form. Assumes FeedsHTTPFetcher in place.
263   */
264  public function importURL($id, $feed_url = NULL) {
265    if (empty($feed_url)) {
266      $feed_url = $GLOBALS['base_url'] .'/'. drupal_get_path('module', 'feeds') .'/tests/feeds/developmentseed.rss2';
267    }
268    $edit = array(
269      'feeds[FeedsHTTPFetcher][source]' => $feed_url,
270      );
271    $nid = $this->drupalPost('import/'. $id, $edit, 'Import');
273    // Check whether feed got recorded in feeds_source table.
274    $this->assertEqual(1, db_result(db_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {feeds_source} WHERE id = '%s' AND feed_nid = 0", $id)));
275    $source = db_fetch_object(db_query("SELECT * FROM {feeds_source} WHERE id = '%s' AND feed_nid = 0", $id));
276    $config = unserialize($source->config);
277    $this->assertEqual($config['FeedsHTTPFetcher']['source'], $feed_url, t('URL in DB correct.'));
279    // Check whether feed got properly added to scheduler.
280    $this->assertEqual(1, db_result(db_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {job_schedule} WHERE type = '%s' AND id = 0 AND callback = 'feeds_source_import' AND last <> 0 AND scheduled = 0", $id)));
281    // There must be only one entry for callback 'expire' - no matter what the feed_nid is.
282    $this->assertEqual(0, db_result(db_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {job_schedule} WHERE type = '%s' AND callback = 'feeds_importer_expire' AND last <> 0 AND scheduled = 0", $id)));
283  }
285  /**
286   * Import a file through the import form. Assumes FeedsFileFetcher in place.
287   */
288  public function importFile($id, $file) {
290    $this->assertTrue(file_exists($file), 'Source file exists');
291    $edit = array(
292      'files[feeds]' => $file,
293    );
294    $this->drupalPost('import/'. $id, $edit, 'Import');
295  }
297  /**
298   * Assert a feeds configuration's plugins.
299   *
300   * @deprecated:
301   *   Use setPlugin() instead.
302   *
303   * @todo Refactor users of assertPlugin() and make them use setPugin() instead.
304   */
305  public function assertPlugins($id, $fetcher, $parser, $processor) {
306    // Assert actual configuration.
307    $config = unserialize(db_result(db_query("SELECT config FROM {feeds_importer} WHERE id = '%s'", $id)));
309    $this->assertEqual($config['fetcher']['plugin_key'], $fetcher, 'Correct fetcher');
310    $this->assertEqual($config['parser']['plugin_key'], $parser, 'Correct parser');
311    $this->assertEqual($config['processor']['plugin_key'], $processor, 'Correct processor');
312  }
314  /**
315   * Add mappings to a given configuration.
316   *
317   * @param $mappings
318   *   An array of mapping arrays. Each mapping array must have a source and
319   *   an target key and can have a unique key.
320   *
321   * @see FeedsRSStoDataTest class.
322   */
323  public function addMappings($id, $mappings) {
325    $path = 'admin/build/feeds/edit/'. $id .'/mapping';
327    // Iterate through all mappings and add the via the form.
328    foreach ($mappings as $i => $mapping) {
330      // Get unique flag and unset it - otherwise drupalPost will complain that
331      // there is no form element named "unique".
332      $unique = !empty($mapping['unique']);
333      unset($mapping['unique']);
334      $this->drupalPost($path, $mapping, t('Add'));
336      // If unique was set, set the last mapping's unique flag.
337      if ($unique) {
338        $edit = array(
339          'unique_flags['. $i .']' => 1,
340        );
341        $this->drupalPost($path, $edit, t('Save'));
342      }
343    }
344  }
346  /**
347   * Helper function, retrieves node id from a URL.
348   */
349  public function getNid($url) {
350    $matches = array();
351    preg_match('/node\/(\d+?)$/', $url, $matches);
352    $nid = $matches[1];
353    if (!is_numeric($nid)) {
354      $this->error(t('Could not find node id, found @nid instead.', array('@nid' => $nid)));
355    }
356    return $nid;
357  }
361 * Provides a wrapper for DrupalUnitTestCase for Feeds unit testing.
362 */
363class FeedsUnitTestHelper extends DrupalUnitTestCase {
364  public function setUp() {
365    parent::setUp();
367    // Manually include the feeds module.
368    // @todo Allow an array of modules from the child class.
369    drupal_load('module', 'feeds');
370  }
373class FeedsUnitTestCase extends FeedsUnitTestHelper {
374  public static function getInfo() {
375    return array(
376      'name' => 'Unit tests',
377      'description' => 'Test basic low-level Feeds module functionality.',
378      'group' => 'Feeds',
379    );
380  }
382  /**
383   * Test valid absolute urls.
384   *
385   * @see ValidUrlTestCase
386   *
387   * @todo Remove when is fixed.
388   */
389  function testFeedsValidURL() {
390    $url_schemes = array('http', 'https', 'ftp', 'feed', 'webcal');
391    $valid_absolute_urls = array(
392      '',
393      '',
394      '',
395      '',
396      '',
397      '',
398      '',
399      '',
400      '',
401      '',
402      '',
403      '',
404      '',
405      '',
406      '',
407      ',$\'*;',
408      '',
409      '[FEDC:BA98:7654:3210:FEDC:BA98:7654:3210]:80/index.html',
410      '|tGew8jbxi1ctfVlYh35CPYij1eE',
411    );
413    foreach ($url_schemes as $scheme) {
414      foreach ($valid_absolute_urls as $url) {
415        $test_url = $scheme . '://' . $url;
416        $valid_url = feeds_valid_url($test_url, TRUE);
417        $this->assertTrue($valid_url, t('@url is a valid url.', array('@url' => $test_url)));
418      }
419    }
421    $invalid_ablosule_urls = array(
422      '',
423      'ex!',
424      '',
425    );
427    foreach ($url_schemes as $scheme) {
428      foreach ($invalid_ablosule_urls as $url) {
429        $test_url = $scheme . '://' . $url;
430        $valid_url = feeds_valid_url($test_url, TRUE);
431        $this->assertFalse($valid_url, t('@url is NOT a valid url.', array('@url' => $test_url)));
432      }
433    }
434  }
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