source: sipes/modules_contrib/date/includes/ @ 92213c1

Last change on this file since 92213c1 was 177a560, checked in by José Gregorio Puentes <jpuentes@…>, 8 años ago

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  • Propiedad mode establecida a 100755
File size: 8.8 KB
4 * @file
5 * Defines date-related Views data and plugins:
6 *
7 * Date argument:
8 *   A generic date argument that has an option to select one or more
9 *   Views date fields to filter on, automatically adds them to the view,
10 *   and then filters the view by the value of the selected field(s).
11 *   The flexible argument will accept and evaluate most ISO date
12 *   and period formats, like 2009-05-01, 2008-W25, P1W.
13 *
14 * Date filter:
15 *   A generic date filter that has an option to select a
16 *   Views date field to filter on, with a choice of a widget to use
17 *   for the filter form and an option to set the default value to
18 *   a set date or something like 'now +90 days'. If the operator is
19 *   set to 'between' or 'not between' you can set a default value for
20 *   both the from and to dates.
21 *
22 * Current date argument default
23 *   Adds a default option to set the argument to the current date
24 *   when the argument is empty.
25 *
26 * Date navigation attachment
27 *   Navigation that can be attached to any display to create back/next
28 *   links by date, requires the date argument and uses the current
29 *   date argument default to set a starting point for the view.
30 */
32 * Implementation of hook_views_handlers() to register all of the basic handlers
33 * views uses.
34 */
35function date_api_views_handlers() {
36  return array(
37    'info' => array(
38      'path' => drupal_get_path('module', 'date_api') .'/includes',
39      ),
40    'handlers' => array(
41      'date_api_argument_handler' => array(
42        'parent' => 'views_handler_argument_date',
43      ),
44      'date_api_filter_handler' => array(
45        'parent' => 'views_handler_filter_numeric',
46      ),
47    ),
48  );
52 * Implementation of hook_views_plugins().
53 */
54function date_api_views_plugins() {
55  $path = drupal_get_path('module', 'date_api');
56  $views_path = drupal_get_path('module', 'views');
57  require_once "./$path/theme/";
58  return array(
59    'module' => 'date_api', // This just tells our themes are elsewhere.
60    'display' => array(
61      // Parents are not really displays, just needed so the files can
62      // be included.
63      'parent' => array(
64        'no ui' => TRUE,
65        'handler' => 'views_plugin_display',
66        'path' => "$views_path/plugins",
67        'parent' => '',
68      ),
69      'attachment' => array(
70        'no ui' => TRUE,
71        'handler' => 'views_plugin_display_attachment',
72        'path' => "$views_path/plugins",
73        'parent' => 'parent',
74      ),
75      // Display plugin for date navigation.
76      'date_nav' => array(
77        'title' => t('Date browser'),
78        'help' => t('Date back/next navigation to attach to other displays. Requires the Date argument.'),
79        'handler' => 'date_plugin_display_attachment',
80        'parent' => 'attachment',
81        'path' => "$path/includes",
82        'theme' => 'views_view',
83        'use ajax' => TRUE,
84        'admin' => t('Date browser'),
85        'help topic' => 'date-browser',
86      ),
87    ),
88    'style' => array(
89      'parent' => array(
90        // this isn't really a display but is necessary so the file can
91        // be included.
92        'no ui' => TRUE,
93        'handler' => 'views_plugin_style',
94        'path' => "$views_path/plugins",
95        'theme file' => '',
96        'theme path' => "$views_path/theme",
97        'parent' => '',
98      ),
99      'date_nav' => array(
100        'title' => t('Date browser style'),
101        'help' => t('Creates back/next navigation.'),
102        'handler' => 'date_navigation_plugin_style',
103        'path' => "$path/includes",
104        'parent' => 'parent',
105        'theme' => 'date_navigation',
106        'theme file' => '',
107        'theme path' => "$path/theme",
108        'uses row plugin' => FALSE,
109        'uses fields' => FALSE,
110        'uses options' => TRUE,
111        'type' => 'date_nav',
112        'even empty' => TRUE,
113      ),
114    ),
115  );
119 * Implementation of hook_views_data().
120 */
121function date_api_views_data() {
122  $data = array();
124  $tables = module_invoke_all('date_api_tables');
126  foreach ($tables as $base_table) {
127    // The flexible date argument.
128    $data[$base_table]['date_argument'] = array(
129      'group' => t('Date'),
130      'title' => t('Date (!base_table)', array('!base_table' => $base_table)),
131      'help' => t('Filter any Views !base_table date field by a date argument, using any common ISO date/period format (i.e. YYYY, YYYY-MM, YYYY-MM-DD, YYYY-W99, YYYY-MM-DD--P3M, P90D, etc).', array('!base_table' => $base_table)),
132      'argument' => array(
133        'handler' => 'date_api_argument_handler',
134        'empty field name' => t('Undated'),
135        'base' => $base_table,
136      ),
137    );
138    // The flexible date filter.
139    $data[$base_table]['date_filter'] = array(
140      'group' => t('Date'),
141      'title' => t('Date (!base_table)', array('!base_table' => $base_table)),
142      'help' => t('Filter any Views !base_table date field.', array('!base_table' => $base_table)),
143      'filter' => array(
144        'handler' => 'date_api_filter_handler',
145        'empty field name' => t('Undated'),
146        'base' => $base_table,
147      ),
148    );
149  }
150  return $data;
154 *  Identify all potential date/timestamp fields and cache the data.
155 */
156function date_api_fields($base = 'node', $reset = FALSE) {
157  static $fields = array();
158  $empty = array('name' => array(), 'alias' => array());
159  require_once('./'. drupal_get_path('module', 'date_api') .'/includes/');
160  if (empty($fields[$base]) || $reset) {
161    $cid = 'date_api_fields_'. $base;
162    if (!$reset && $cached = cache_get($cid, 'cache_views')) {
163      $fields[$base] = $cached->data;
164    }
165    else {
166      $fields[$base] = _date_api_fields($base);
167    }
168  }
169  // Make sure that empty values will be arrays in he expected format.
170  return !empty($fields) && !empty($fields[$base]) ? $fields[$base] : $empty;
174 * Central function for setting up the right timezone values
175 * in the SQL date handler.
176 *
177 * The date handler will use this information to decide if the
178 * database value needs a timezone conversion.
179 *
180 * In Views, we will always be comparing to a local date value,
181 * so the goal is to convert the database value to the right
182 * value to compare to the local value.
183 */
184function date_views_set_timezone(&$date_handler, &$view, $field) {
185  $tz_handling  = $field['tz_handling'];
186  switch ($tz_handling) {
187    case 'date' :
188      $date_handler->db_timezone = 'UTC';
189      $date_handler->local_timezone_field = $field['timezone_field'];
190      $date_handler->offset_field = $field['offset_field'];
191      break;
192    case 'none':
193      $date_handler->db_timezone = date_default_timezone_name();
194      $date_handler->local_timezone = date_default_timezone_name();
195      break;
196    case 'utc':
197      $date_handler->db_timezone = 'UTC';
198      $date_handler->local_timezone = 'UTC';
199      break;
200    default :
201      $date_handler->db_timezone = 'UTC';
202      $date_handler->local_timezone = date_default_timezone_name();
203      break;
204  }
207function date_views_querystring($view, $extra_params = array()) {
208  $query_params = array_merge($_GET, $extra_params);
209  // Allow NULL params to be removed from the query string.
210  foreach ($extra_params AS $key => $value) {
211    if (!isset($value)) {
212      unset($query_params[$key]);
213    }
214  }
215  // Filter the special "q" and "view" variables out of the query string.
216  $exclude = array('q');
217  // If we don't explicitly add a value for "view", filter it out.
218  if (empty($extra_params['view'])) {
219    $exclude[] = 'view';
220  }
221  $query = drupal_query_string_encode($query_params, $exclude);
222  // To prevent an empty query string from adding a "?" on to the end of a URL,
223  // we return NULL.
224  return !empty($query) ? $query : NULL;
228 * Identify the base url of the page,
229 * needed when the calendar is embedded so we
230 * don't set the url to the calendar url.
231 */
232function date_views_page_url($view) {
233  if ($view->build_type == 'page') {
234    return date_views_real_url($view, $view->date_info->real_args);
235  }
236  else {
237    $block_identifier = isset($view->date_info->block_identifier) ? $view->date_info->block_identifier : 'mini';
238    return url($_GET['q'], date_views_querystring($view, array($block_identifier => NULL)), NULL, TRUE);
239  }
243 * Figure out what the URL of the calendar view we're currently looking at is.
244 */
245function date_views_real_url($view, $args) {
246  if (empty($args)) {
247    return $view->date_info->url;
248  }
249  // Add non-calendar arguments to the base url.
250  $parts = explode('/', $view->date_info->url);
251  $bump = 0;
252  foreach ($parts as $delta => $part) {
253    // If one of the args is buried in the url, add it here and adjust
254    // the delta values we'll compare the calendar arg positions to.
255    if (drupal_substr($part, 0, 1) == '$') {
256      $parts[$delta] = array_shift($args);
257      $bump++;
258    }
259  }
260  foreach ($args as $delta => $arg) {
261    if (!in_array($delta + $bump, calendar_arg_positions($view)) && !empty($arg)) {
262      array_push($parts, $arg);
263    }
264  }
265  return implode('/', $parts);
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