source: sipes/libraries/openlayers/examples/wfs-reprojection.js @ 92f109b

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1var map, layer, styleMap;
2OpenLayers.ProxyHost = "proxy.cgi?url=";
4function init() {
6    var geographic = new OpenLayers.Projection("EPSG:4326");
7    var mercator = new OpenLayers.Projection("EPSG:900913");
9    map = new OpenLayers.Map('map', {
10        projection: mercator
11    });
13    var g = new OpenLayers.Layer.Google("Google Layer", {
14        sphericalMercator: true
15    });
16    map.addLayers([g]);
18    // prepare to style the data
19    styleMap = new OpenLayers.StyleMap({
20        strokeColor: "black",
21        strokeWidth: 2,
22        strokeOpacity: 0.5,
23        fillOpacity: 0.2
24    });
25    // create a color table for state FIPS code
26    var colors = ["red", "orange", "yellow", "green", "blue", "purple"];
27    var code, fips = {};
28    for(var i=1; i<=66; ++i) {
29        code = "0" + i;
30        code = code.substring(code.length - 2);
31        fips[code] = {fillColor: colors[i % colors.length]};
32    }
33    // add unique value rules with your color lookup
34    styleMap.addUniqueValueRules("default", "STATE_FIPS", fips);
36    // This server supports server-side reprojection, but we're using WFS 1.0
37    // here (which doesn't support reprojection) to illustrate client-side
38    // reprojection.
39    var wfs = new OpenLayers.Layer.Vector("States", {
40        strategies: [new OpenLayers.Strategy.BBOX()],
41        protocol: new OpenLayers.Protocol.WFS({
42            version: "1.0.0",
43            srsName: "EPSG:4326", // this is the default
44            url:  "",
45            featureType: "states",
46            featureNS: ""
47        }),
48        projection: geographic, // specified because it is different than the map
49        styleMap: styleMap
50    });
51    map.addLayer(wfs);
53    // if you want to use Geographic coords, transform to ESPG:900913
54    var ddBounds = new OpenLayers.Bounds(
55        -73.839111,40.287907,-68.214111,44.441624
56    );
57    map.zoomToExtent(
58        ddBounds.transform(geographic, mercator)
59    );
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