source: sipes/cord/modules/path/path.module @ 8a8efa8

Last change on this file since 8a8efa8 was d7a822e, checked in by José Gregorio Puentes <jpuentes@…>, 8 años ago

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File size: 10.7 KB
4 * @file
5 * Enables users to rename URLs.
6 */
9 * Implementation of hook_help().
10 */
11function path_help($path, $arg) {
12  switch ($path) {
13    case 'admin/help#path':
14      $output = '<p>'. t('The path module allows you to specify aliases for Drupal URLs. Such aliases improve readability of URLs for your users and may help internet search engines to index your content more effectively. More than one alias may be created for a given page.') .'</p>';
15      $output .= t('<p>Some examples of URL aliases are:</p>
17<li>user/login =&gt; login</li>
18<li>image/tid/16 =&gt; store</li>
19<li>taxonomy/term/7+19+20+21 =&gt; store/products/whirlygigs</li>
20<li>node/3 =&gt; contact</li>
23      $output .= '<p>'. t('The path module enables appropriately permissioned users to specify an optional alias in all node input and editing forms, and provides an interface to view and edit all URL aliases. The two permissions related to URL aliasing are <em>administer url aliases</em> and <em>create url aliases</em>. ') .'</p>';
24      $output .= '<p>'. t('This module also provides user-defined mass URL aliasing capabilities, which is useful if you wish to uniformly use URLs different from the default. For example, you may want to have your URLs presented in a different language. Access to the Drupal source code on the web server is required to set up mass URL aliasing. ') .'</p>';
25      $output .= '<p>'. t('For more information, see the online handbook entry for <a href="@path">Path module</a>.', array('@path' => '')) .'</p>';
26      return $output;
27    case 'admin/build/path':
28      return '<p>'. t("Drupal provides complete control over URLs through aliasing, which is often used to make URLs more readable or easy to remember. For example, the alias 'about' may be mapped onto the post at the system path 'node/1', creating a more meaningful URL. Each system path can have multiple aliases.") .'</p>';
29    case 'admin/build/path/add':
30      return '<p>'. t('Enter the path you wish to create the alias for, followed by the name of the new alias.') .'</p>';
31  }
35 * Implementation of hook_menu().
36 */
37function path_menu() {
38  $items['admin/build/path'] = array(
39    'title' => 'URL aliases',
40    'description' => "Change your site's URL paths by aliasing them.",
41    'page callback' => 'path_admin_overview',
42    'access arguments' => array('administer url aliases'),
43    'file' => '',
44  );
45  $items['admin/build/path/edit'] = array(
46    'title' => 'Edit alias',
47    'page callback' => 'path_admin_edit',
48    'access arguments' => array('administer url aliases'),
49    'type' => MENU_CALLBACK,
50    'file' => '',
51  );
52  $items['admin/build/path/delete'] = array(
53    'title' => 'Delete alias',
54    'page callback' => 'drupal_get_form',
55    'page arguments' => array('path_admin_delete_confirm'),
56    'access arguments' => array('administer url aliases'),
57    'type' => MENU_CALLBACK,
58    'file' => '',
59  );
60  $items['admin/build/path/list'] = array(
61    'title' => 'List',
62    'type' => MENU_DEFAULT_LOCAL_TASK,
63    'weight' => -10,
64  );
65  $items['admin/build/path/add'] = array(
66    'title' => 'Add alias',
67    'page callback' => 'path_admin_edit',
68    'access arguments' => array('administer url aliases'),
69    'type' => MENU_LOCAL_TASK,
70    'file' => '',
71  );
73  return $items;
77 * Post-confirmation; delete an URL alias.
78 */
79function path_admin_delete($pid = 0) {
80  db_query('DELETE FROM {url_alias} WHERE pid = %d', $pid);
81  drupal_set_message(t('The alias has been deleted.'));
85 * Set an aliased path for a given Drupal path, preventing duplicates.
86 *
87 * @param $path
88 *   Path URL. Set to NULL to delete alias.
89 * @param $alias
90 *   Alias URL. Set to NULL to delete alias.
91 * @param $pid
92 *   Path id to update. Set to NULL to create a new alias or to delete a group of aliases.
93 * @param $language
94 *   The language this alias is valid for.
95 */
96function path_set_alias($path = NULL, $alias = NULL, $pid = NULL, $language = '') {
97  /* This function claimed to prevent duplicate aliases but has not done
98   * so since the end of 2007.
99   * The uniqueness of dst+language pairs was enforced on the database level
100   * until D6.16 (march 2010); trying to insert duplicate aliass would yield a
101   * database error.
102   * From D6.16 onwards, duplicates would silently be inserted, and
103   * drupal_lookup_path() consistently uses those newer aliases.
104   * While fixing an issue in D6.23, the behavior was reverted to preventing
105   * duplicates by the below code. Watchdog errors are now logged instead.
106   */
107  $path = urldecode($path);
108  $alias = urldecode($alias);
109  // First we check if we deal with an existing alias and delete or modify it based on pid.
110  if ($pid) {
111    // An existing alias.
112    if (!$path || !$alias) {
113      // Delete the alias based on pid.
114      db_query('DELETE FROM {url_alias} WHERE pid = %d', $pid);
115    }
116    else {
117      // Update the existing alias.
118      // Check if the alias exists already.
119      $existing = db_fetch_array(db_query("SELECT pid, src FROM {url_alias} WHERE dst = '%s' AND language = '%s' ORDER BY pid DESC", $alias, $language));
120      if (!$existing || ($existing['pid'] == $pid && $existing['src'] != $path)) {
121        db_query("UPDATE {url_alias} SET src = '%s', dst = '%s', language = '%s' WHERE pid = %d", $path, $alias, $language, $pid);
122      }
123      else {
124        if ($existing['src'] != $path) {
125          watchdog('path', "The alias for path '@path' (language '@lang') was not updated to '@alias', because the path '@expath' already has the same alias.",
126            array('@path' => $path, '@lang' => $language, '@alias' => $alias, '@expath' => $existing['src']),
127            WATCHDOG_ERROR);
128        }
129        // Don't clear cache if we didn't change anything
130        return;
131      }
132    }
133  }
134  elseif ($path && $alias) {
135    // Add this alias to the database, if it's new & doesn't cause conflicts.
136    $existing = db_fetch_array(db_query("SELECT src, language, pid FROM {url_alias} WHERE dst = '%s' AND language IN('%s', '') ORDER BY language DESC, pid DESC", $alias, $language));
137    if (!$existing || ($existing['language'] != $language && $existing['src'] != $path)) {
138      // A new alias. Add it to the database.
139      db_query("INSERT INTO {url_alias} (src, dst, language) VALUES ('%s', '%s', '%s')", $path, $alias, $language);
140    }
141    elseif ($existing['language'] != $language) {
142      // This alias already exists ONLY for 'language neutral': update language.
143      // (We can only get here if $language != '')
144      db_query("UPDATE {url_alias} SET language = '%s' WHERE pid = %d", $language, $existing['pid']);
145    }
146    else {
147      if ($existing['src'] != $path) {
148        watchdog('path', "The alias '@alias' for path '@path' (language '@lang') was not created, because the path '@expath' already has the same alias.",
149          array('@path' => $path, '@lang' => $language, '@alias' => $alias, '@expath' => $existing['src']),
150          WATCHDOG_ERROR);
151      }
152      // Don't clear cache if we didn't change anything
153      return;
154    }
155  }
156  else {
157    // Delete the alias.
158    if ($alias) {
159      db_query("DELETE FROM {url_alias} WHERE dst = '%s'", $alias);
160    }
161    else {
162      db_query("DELETE FROM {url_alias} WHERE src = '%s'", $path);
163    }
164  }
165  drupal_clear_path_cache();
170 * Implementation of hook_nodeapi().
171 *
172 * Allows URL aliases for nodes to be specified at node edit time rather
173 * than through the administrative interface.
174 */
175function path_nodeapi(&$node, $op, $arg = NULL) {
176  // Permissions are required for everything except node loading.
177  if (user_access('create url aliases') || user_access('administer url aliases') || ($op == 'load')) {
178    $language = isset($node->language) ? $node->language : '';
179    switch ($op) {
180      case 'validate':
181        if (isset($node->path)) {
182          $node->path = trim($node->path);
183          if (db_result(db_query("SELECT COUNT(dst) FROM {url_alias} WHERE dst = '%s' AND src != '%s' AND language = '%s'", $node->path, "node/$node->nid", $language))) {
184            form_set_error('path', t('The path is already in use.'));
185          }
186        }
187        break;
189      case 'load':
190        $path = 'node/'. $node->nid;
191        $alias = drupal_get_path_alias($path, $language);
192        if ($path != $alias) {
193          $node->path = $alias;
194        }
195        break;
197      case 'insert':
198        // Don't try to insert if path is NULL. We may have already set
199        // the alias ahead of time.
200        if (isset($node->path)) {
201          path_set_alias('node/'. $node->nid, $node->path, NULL, $language);
202        }
203        break;
205      case 'update':
206        // $node->pid is usually only set when updating from a node edit form
207        // (see path_form_alter). If it is not set (e.g. on most node_save()
208        // commands), we cannot be sure whether a change in $node->path is meant
209        // to replace an existing alias or add one extra, so we do the latter.
210        path_set_alias('node/'. $node->nid, isset($node->path) ? $node->path : NULL, isset($node->pid) ? $node->pid : NULL, $language);
211        break;
213      case 'delete':
214        $path = 'node/'. $node->nid;
215        if (drupal_get_path_alias($path) != $path) {
216          path_set_alias($path);
217        }
218        break;
219    }
220  }
224 * Implementation of hook_form_alter().
225 */
226function path_form_alter(&$form, $form_state, $form_id) {
227  if (isset($form['type']) && isset($form['#node']) && $form['type']['#value'] .'_node_form' == $form_id) {
228    $path = isset($form['#node']->path) ? $form['#node']->path : NULL;
229    $form['path'] = array(
230      '#type' => 'fieldset',
231      '#title' => t('URL path settings'),
232      '#collapsible' => TRUE,
233      '#collapsed' => empty($path),
234      '#access' => user_access('create url aliases'),
235      '#weight' => 30,
236    );
237    $form['path']['path'] = array(
238      '#type' => 'textfield',
239      '#default_value' => $path,
240      '#maxlength' => 128,
241      '#collapsible' => TRUE,
242      '#collapsed' => TRUE,
243      '#description' => t('Optionally specify an alternative URL by which this node can be accessed. For example, type "about" when writing an about page. Use a relative path and don\'t add a trailing slash or the URL alias won\'t work.'),
244    );
245    if ($path) {
246      $form['path']['pid'] = array(
247        '#type' => 'value',
248        '#value' => db_result(db_query("SELECT pid FROM {url_alias} WHERE dst = '%s' AND language = '%s'", $path, $form['#node']->language))
249      );
250    }
251  }
255 * Implementation of hook_perm().
256 */
257function path_perm() {
258  return array('create url aliases', 'administer url aliases');
262 * Fetch a specific URL alias from the database.
263 */
264function path_load($pid) {
265  return db_fetch_array(db_query('SELECT * FROM {url_alias} WHERE pid = %d', $pid));
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