# django_topic_explorer This is an alternative (Django based) implementation of this software: https://github.com/inpho/topic-explorer. By now this is no more than a kind of rudimentary proof of concept we hope to enrich in the forthcoming. ## By now, we use: - Function based views. - Global variables: lda_c, lda_c, lda_m. - An already trained models which must be specified in the corresponding settings variables. - Urls for requests (Buttons in the interface does not work, see "Using it") ## In the forthcoming, we hope to: - Provide user interface to select a corpus in the fly (not sure how) from a determined set. - Not use global variables. - Develop some per-document visualization. - ... ## Using it: ...# python manage.py runserver 1) To request a visulization of documents ordered in terms of similarity to a determined topic, then use: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^|^^^^^|^^|^^ W | X |Y | Z W: App url X: order by topic Y: Number of topics Z: Topic in terms of which documents will be ordered 2) To request a visulization of documents ordered in terms of similarity to a determined document, then use: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^|^^^|^^|^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ W | X |Y | Z W: App url X: order by document Y: Number of topics Z: Document in terms of which the remaining documents will be ordered